I am a lost sheep, The Lord is my shepherd, when will I ever find - TopicsExpress


I am a lost sheep, The Lord is my shepherd, when will I ever find home? -- Rachel Marie Budinsky I miss our daily talks and hearing all about whats going on in your life at the time... 5 hours away, but I still know exactly whats going on with you and your heart right now. Short answer: you wont find home until glorification finishes its course, and youre made into his exact image. But sheep are ridiculously dumb, and thats why they need a constant shepherd overseeing them in the first place. It may seem like all your attempts of trying to find home are futile, and youre right. They are useless. But you were never supposed to be the one to find home. You have a shepherd. You arent a wild sheep out on a mountain in wolf country with no protection or direction. He knows each of his sheep by name. He regularly counts them all. He never sleeps. He has a plan, and knows where hes leading his flock. He gently prods them on their side with his rod whenever they get distracted or try to wander. He vowed to never leave any of his sheep in the wild. Ever. He bought his sheep for a huge price, and he promised not to leave a single one behind. And all the while, youre too busy looking down, nibbling on the grass and taking random naps and baa-ing for more water, to ever even look up and see the direction Hes been gently guiding you in this whole time. Hes patiently taking you home. The trip is always a lot more enjoyable, and a lot less painful, when you just spit the weeds out and keep your eyes on Him and run full speed ahead (as fast as your little sheep legs can go), instead of constantly making him have to reign you back in with his staff whenever you start to wander. He started this and called you to be one of his sheep, and he wont stop his work on you until he sees it to completion... until he finally guides you through those pearly gates and closes and locks them, to make sure no more wolves can ever even come close to touching you again. I know you like that healthy food crap, but spit the weeds out, and look up, Rach. You have a beautiful inheritance right in front of you. Go ahead and start enjoying it now, because you can. Always remember my favorite phrase--Satan is a coward and can suck it, and never forget my least favorite phrase, either-- Wait for the Lord. Never forget them. Keep waiting for the Lord. He will fight for you. He always does. You need only to be still. (you know I had to throw my man in this pep talk. always. my hero 4lyfe ;) ) https://youtube/watch?v=iUUmhnOPBdE
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:20:35 +0000

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