I am a mere four days away from the next chapter of my life. - TopicsExpress


I am a mere four days away from the next chapter of my life. Forgive the upcoming ramblings, I am having a lot of thoughts and I dont want to forget them just because I cant type fast enough. Many of my Facebook friends might be interested to learn what it is I actually do during my summers and how in the heck I found out how to do it. Heres a little snippet into my journey, thank you always for your love and support as I live out my dreams. Four years ago I went through a major life change that allowed me to reevaluate my priorities. I dont think one ever really gets it all figured out, but the most prominent, nagging, gut instinct I couldnt ignore was my desire to travel. As a novice to the idea of travel, I had many misconceptions on how a normal person fulfills this insatiable wanderlust. My biggest concern was that it would be expensive, so I immediately began researching ways to do it as a student on a budget. I spent many many late night hours perusing random websites, looking for anything that could provide me a way to do this while still maintaining roots. I ended up stumbling upon Camp Adventure, an international internship program that would not only pay for my travel expenses but would also gift me college credits for my work. Thus, I began my first summer adventure on Pearl Harbor Hickam Military Base in Honolulu, HI. Camp A was a biggest blessing I could have ever received at that time in my life. It provided a way to complete college in a new environment, and most importantly it changed my perspective. I love and appreciate my Tri Cities community, but ones world view can be stifled if we never get the chance to get out, experience new cultures and really LIVE them. I did kind of luck out on my first go around. I mean, come on. Really. How can anyone not love perfect temperate weather, lusciously green hikes, and of course sun, surf and sand? After my Hawaiian summer, I became addicted to the newness, the excitement, and the growth that travel brings. Once I established travel as a priority, I fervently researched ways that I could get paid to do what I had just spent my summer doing and voila! Rustic Pathways answered my nearly desperate and passionate cry for a life of adventure and service. I spent all of last summer leading high school youth on service trips in New Orleans, LA. My hot, sticky days were filled with student made gumbo, seasoned musicians playing jazz in the streets, local art, air boat tours, and of course, rebuilding the city. My awareness of the current plight of NOLA would never have been had I not found Rustic. I am so proud to be part of an organization that cares so much for their students and the communities they work in. It was an absolute privilege to serve NOLA and embrace their unique culture, and my experiences there have directly influenced my decision to become an educator. Quickly moving on, Rustic has my heart even still. Many of you know about my upcoming adventure to Fiji- this just keeps getting bigger and better! I dont know all that has in store, but I DO know that I will have plenty of technology free time to experience all that the islands have to offer. There is a long list of things that I wont have (junk food, a washing machine, cell service, Facebook, being able to talk to Lance and family), but my list of the intangible will far out number the things I will be without. There is a whole world out there, people. A global community with people to meet, food to taste, and gorgeous scenery to behold. I am- WE ARE- so lucky to live in a world full of possibilities. Paths to achieve whatever it is in this life that makes us come ALIVE! I am still figuring this stuff out, but I hope as you follow my adventures you feel inspired. Inspired to take a drive, to volunteer, to do something nice for someone else. To connect. I feel good. I have to get back to work now, so I will cut this extremely verbose status report a little short. Four days. FOUR DAYS!
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 00:17:47 +0000

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