I am a normal person with just an idea that wants to create a - TopicsExpress


I am a normal person with just an idea that wants to create a GLOBAL movement to show those that have the means and the power to create such services that there is demand for real food, natural therapies and soul based aged care services. The aim of this community is to gather global support for alternative healthcare services and solutions for the sick and the aged who have needs that differ to those currently available, or to supplement those services that they already are receiving. To offer freedom of choice to those who choose to eat whole foods, or paleo, or vegan, or vegetarian or raw - no matter what the label - who want support to continue living this lifestyle at a time when they are no longer able to do it for themselves. To help gather support for those who have the means, ability and expertise to create nursing homes, palliative care homes, or in-home services that offer support for those who like green juice or eat real whole foods, or prefer visiting a naturopath or homeopath (or insert your favourite therapy here) instead of, or as well as, a conventional doctor. To start a movement NOW to help those who CAN and have the MEANS to start these services! To share a vision of Affordable Alternative Aged and Palliative Care services/nursing homes/hostels for those who are elderly or sick and wish to have access to real whole foods (over processed and packaged foods), Green Juicing, Alternative Treatment Therapies (Chiropractic, Colonic Therapy, Reflexology etc), a sense of connectedness and compassion and like-minded people. To bring the idea to the forefront of the innovators minds who have the means and desire to change this so that these services become AFFORDABLE and generally ACCESSIBLE as although this currently exists in high end retreats etc. and exclusive nursing homes there is a need and a desire for it to be MAINSTREAM! In the belief that somewhere out there, there are people with the knowledge and creativity on how to set up facilities that can operate like this at a reasonable cost - such as the facility having its own vegetable garden and orchard that instead of paying grounds maintenance teams to just grow pretty plants (which are nice - dont get me wrong) they grow a garden that enriches the soul as well! This sounds like hippy woo-woo idealism now - but not so long ago - this was the way real food in real life was done! The aim isnt to be inflammatory or political, but in fact to be a problem solver who is compassionate and empathetic to those who have needs that differ to those currently available, or to supplement those services that they already are receiving. This idea was born out of considering how I would feel in my old age if I had to submit to the normal way of living - I know that the food that they eat and the medication that they offer in a majority of mainstream nursing homes and related services is not the food I currently eat - and I know that I for one would like a choice in my old age. While I like to think that I have raised my children to understand the importance of nourishing the body with food as preventative medicine rather than ignore our bodys needs and deal with disaster later - and so they be likely to support my needs and lifestyle choices down the track. What about those who have had a change of heart later in life - who have decided to take care of themselves and lead a completely different lifestyle to that when they were younger. Who will support them then? Not only that - if our elderly and sick have a choice - they are given the dignity that they deserve. I have a dream to get high profile clean living cooks, bloggers, media personalities, business people such as Marie Forleo, Richard Branson, Oprah, Cyndi OMeara, Kris Carr, Sarah Wilson, Pete Evans, Nat Kringoudis, and Jo Whitton on board to help me create a HUGE signal that we want real goodness - real food, natural medicine, and functional medicine (eg. Terry Wahls M.D.) available to us as a choice. I hope to share this idea at the upcoming TEDx talk in Brisbane Australia, I decided to submit a registration. I would be appreciative if you could please LIKE AND SHARE THIS PAGE with those who you feel care enough or have an interest in accessing these services themselves in years to come. I would also appreciate if you have an article of interest to share regarding this topic area, if you could please message me. With many thanks and much gratitude, thank you for your support.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 01:30:54 +0000

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