I am a note maker. While I do have my online calendar, and my - TopicsExpress


I am a note maker. While I do have my online calendar, and my pleather bound day planner, what really keeps me ticking off the tasks is my paper rain of pocket notes: folded halves of printer projects gone awry, ripped pieces of envelope, re-purposed school announcements, backs of magazines (the white space around the address just needs to be filled). Often I find the same note duplicated on different pieces of paper- one on the printer, one in my bathroom- not as an indicator of importance, but an indicator of forgetfulness on my part, and usually the fact that this undone chore popped into my head while I was brushing my teeth. Sometimes the notes are illegible. Ok, theyre always illegible to the general public, but most of the times I can decipher them. But sometimes even I look at it and wonder what I meant by that. Today I found a note that is relatively new, and somewhat important. I know this because it is written sideways, on the edge of the paper, to stand out from the rest of the list. Its important, but not of the utmost importance, because if it was urgent or imperative, I would have also circled it. I looked at my notes this morning, trying to order my day. This particular note is something that must be done, Im sure. But I have no idea what it means. It simply says, Call People. Who are these people, and why I should call them? What does this mean, really? I dont remember writing it, or the context of the situation. When I do remember, I will probably be in the bathroom, brushing my teeth. This may not seem to be a good way to get things done, Im sure, but it reminds me of all the grandfathers and old men that have paved the past with scraps of yellow legal paper and receipts they kept tucked in their pockets. I may not know now whom Im supposed to call, but I bet if fold it up and tuck it away, by the time that piece of paper starts to disintegrate at the folds, Ill either have remembered what I meant, or have forgotten it all together. And in doing so, Ill be one step closer to understanding something we lose in the digital age of tracking and recording and planning every detail. There are things in life that are truly important, and there are others that just arent. But since the note contains the word people, Im sure it will come back to me. I know that out of all the pocket notes and to do lists, the ones relating to people are always the most important. Conversely, I guess that means theres not much hope for remembering what Im referring to in the neighboring line, Buy Items on Amazon. Maybe I should just learn to be more specific...
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:00:59 +0000

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