I am a reservist in the Air Force, and have a full time position - TopicsExpress


I am a reservist in the Air Force, and have a full time position in the civilian world. Over the years, due to job requirements I have had to 1. Cancel/rearrange vacations 2. Put off education 3. Put off buying a house 4. Miss birthdays/Anniversaries/Christmas/Thanksgiving 5. Miss my kids athletic events/Proms 6. Countless football seasons You dipshits in the house and senate quit being douchebags and get back to work and fix this immigration issue. Quit pointing fingers and MAYBE think of the country before your own damn agenda. I can just see it now, Sorry boss I cant deploy I have a vacation coming up. That would go over like a fart in Church. Harry Reid, Jim Boehner, and Kevin McCarthy, I am calling you three out.. You hold top post ACT LIKE IT..... Love him or hate him (Im not saying which I am) give the president something to work with for Shit sakes..... Random thought: Football in 3 weeks.. College in 2..
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:12:38 +0000

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