I am a strong believer in KARMA. I was taught that karma is the - TopicsExpress


I am a strong believer in KARMA. I was taught that karma is the sum total of our life’s work, actions, deeds, and words. To my way of thinking Karma should be a constant reminder that who we are and what we do makes a difference and that we need to pay attention. Religions of all kinds propose to their followers that there is a guide that encourages you to do the right thing, say the right words, and make as much of a positive impact on the planet and all the people that you meet as possible. This is some serious pressure for sure, especially when most people believe that they will be held accountable by someone when they run out of time on this planet and move on to whatever is next. As we walk, run, march, hop, and jump our way through life we are bound to do some of these things just as a matter of course. We are going to do some nice things and we are going to do some things that are not so nice. Being a member of the human race, this seems to be pretty normal. It is not the things that happen as a matter of course that I am talking about though. Karma is when things end up on some kind a tally board so the good and the bad might be totaled up some how. They might even eliminate the things that happen as a matter of course.....like the high and low scores when then tabulate ice skaters in competition. What does it come down to then? I think it comes down to the things that we do that we do by choice. When we donate our time to help or encourage another. When we make donations to causes that make a difference in the lives of others. When we join the military to protect and defend our nation. When we give of ourselves not for the glory or the recognition, but for the simple reason that we want to and it makes our community a better place to live. The other side of the coin might include physically hurting another human being, stealing from others, lying or being deceitful so we might gain some sort of an advantage, or cheating in one way or another. All the things above are choices that we make. We just decide that this is what we would like to do. Our reasons might vary, but the bottom line is that we make a conscious decision to do what we do most of the time. We can blame our bad choices on others but this really does not cut it most of the time. Being people with free will means that we have to be responsible for our own lives and our own actions. Good karma is all about speaking in compliments and using sarcasm as little as possible. It is when you find the positive a lot more often than pointing out the negative. Good karma is when you speak calmly and yell less. It is when you build others up as often as possible while doing for others as much as you can. Good karma can be easy while life challenges are a lot more difficult. Ultimately it comes down to finding as many ways as possible to do what is right, positive, and uplifting each day. KARMA is a way to be reminded that life is long and that when we leave we have to be conscious that we will be remembered. The question is, “How do you want to be remembered?” The ledger that we might call Karma is something that is an amazing way to give some thought to the impact that we would like to have while we are here. Doing for others and giving of ourselves for the simple reason that we can may be the greatest part of Karma.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 10:43:59 +0000

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