I am about to go to bed after a powerful devotion time with the - TopicsExpress


I am about to go to bed after a powerful devotion time with the crew and just had to share this story with you all. Ether and I were dispatched on what would become a very minor medical call that had us retrace close to 20 miles to get to our patient. I was quickly deemed useless to the cause and began to look for something else to do. I had a pocket full of RFTW pins and saw a group of about 20 people so I went over to thank them for coming to see us as we passed by on the interstate. As I was passing them out, I asked if any of them were Veterans. One guy, Samuel, said, I am. As I gave him his pin, I asked him which branch he served in and when, he got a distant stare in his eyes and began speaking; I was drafted in 1967 to serve in VN. I did 2 years. He was done speaking and drifted away from his crowd of people as I gave out the last 2 pins. I then spoke another 20 min with his group, The Southern Roadrunners, about M25 and our mission, as well as the RFTW Mission. As I finished I looked over and saw Samuel returning to us so I met him while he was still away from the crowd and began to speak to him again. I told him I wanted to thank him for serving and honor his service. I thanked him for ensuring my freedom to worship my God as I do and for making sure there was an ARMY for me to serve in when I grew up. He began to tear up and fell into my arms saying, Thank you Jesus over and over again, as I was saying Bless him Jesus in unison with him. He pulled away and looked me in the eye and said, NOBODY has ever told me thank you or welcome home...NOBODY...and out of nowhere some guy on the side of the interstate holds me and cries with me and says thank you. He started telling me about 1967 again and that is when I told him that I was born in 1967...we both chuckled as I asked him to step to my bike because I had something else I wanted to give him. As I placed a RFTW Challenge Coin in his hand he broke and once again sobbed in my arms. He said repeatedly, I will never take this out of my pocket. I told him every time he looked at that coin, I wanted him to remember two things. 1. Today I loved you and honored you, always remember that. 2. Jesus loves you always. Samuel- just as Jesus did- wept.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 03:51:30 +0000

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