I am about to post an album called My Hidden signs of MS..if you - TopicsExpress


I am about to post an album called My Hidden signs of MS..if you are weak, do not view it as in in my words,,,gross and disfiguring. Some say, but you look so well, you must be doing well. My friend, MS attacks from the inside out. This disease kills from the inside out. And as much as I hate to show anyone, I think its time people understand the complications MS brings to our lives. To my life. I hate going to the doctor, I hate it. But a simple infection, a simple cut or scratch has caused cellulitis to exist..then because of that the plague psoriasis developed..which I am admitting I am losing the battle. As I look at these photos it makes me want to cry. I have gotten blood poisoning in the past from a mosquito bite, that one was more apparent as the red line went up my leg. I have been watching this red patch on my left shin for months, because it moves very slowly. But this patch is growing and sadly I fear I am headed to the doc for treatment again. I am even more saddened to find out that this burning stinging pain in my left knee and thigh is the result of an infection my body cannot fight. I thought today was just a spell, then tonight it took all I had to not call for my daughter to take me to the ER because of the pain and massive burning (my leg is on fire)... in my leg. I had this pain the other night in the ER when Mark took me for my calf. It will bring you to tears if you cannot breath out the pain. It is called Psoriasis arthritic pain, meaning the infection from the psoriasis, which came from the cellulitis, has entered my joints and blood stream. I do not know what triggered the cellulitis this time..that is not new to me either. The last attack I had was on my trip to Romania and it was in my elbow. So, why, how, or when are questions I cannot answer. My body cannot fight infection. And I know I am gonna get a butt chewing when the doc sees my foot and shin. So, ask me again why I hate chiggers, bug bites, sick kids at school when I am wearing an invisible sign that say..Free prey here. germs weclome! I was asked if there was swelling...what do you think?? On another note you can see where my calf muscle is torn on the right leg..amazing once you have a photo of both legs together. Just one more infection to fight, which the MS caused. So, these are my hidden signs of MS. Just wanted to make people aware, that MS doesnt play fair..never has, never will. I fight for my life every day..every month, every year.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:17:37 +0000

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