I am absolutely DISGUSTED that people have screamed for Wilsons - TopicsExpress


I am absolutely DISGUSTED that people have screamed for Wilsons crucifixion. Not one of these people have read the transcripts, not one has reviewed the autopsy, not one has any true knowledge of the facts other than the information they have received from tainted media. I was heartbroken that a man I love and admire has taken the position to blame this on some sort of political vendetta by the prosecutor or how he managed to skew the decision making process. Common sense would say the path to less violence was an indictment, but an empaneled grand jury of our peers voted to not indict based on the information given to them. One thing I have learned in my time is the differences in people. There are three classes of people in this world: the wolves who prey on the innocent and are criminals, sheep who are the law abiding citizens, and the sheepdogs who protect the sheep from the wolves. I acknowledge the fact that there are rotten apples in the barrel of law enforcement. For every bad one, there are ten, twenty, thirty more good ones. Lets understand something here, the use of deadly force has absolutely nothing to do with wether or not the suspect had a weapon. It is a matter of protecting ones life or that of another. That is the sheepdogs duty. I had to shoot an unarmed man based on similar circumstances and was 100% justified and no billed by the grand jury. Why was I cleared? The suspects intent, the past criminality earlier that day and his actions when I confronted him led me to believe one of us wasnt going home in one piece. He made that decision, I chose who went home in one piece. Unless you can truly say you have watched an anger in another mans eyes, an evilness, the hatred and disregard for life, so calloused that it makes your hairs stand up, up close and personal with the knowledge you are a sheepdog and need to take a wolf, kindly keep your comments to yourself. I have seen grown men cry from the fear they faced knowing a decision they made in a split second made the difference in life and death. I could have been 100% within my legal, ethical and moral right to take the lives of many others in my law enforcement career, but luckily (or negligently) did not. Age is not a determining factor if deadly force is justified. Possession of a weapon is not a determining factor either. The justification lies in the suspects actions and the need to prevent serious bodily injury. If you do not agree with me let me know and we can part Facebook ways as I know where I stand, what I believe in and right from wrong. Funny, I guess this is the lure for me to go hunting for animals. Its the closest I can get to hunting man.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:16:31 +0000

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