I am accused by Visvin Reddy of being bitter, negative person - TopicsExpress


I am accused by Visvin Reddy of being bitter, negative person therefore i talk about the ANC and should go back to India. He says to all the people on his page if they are against the ANC they must go back to India. That is what he is preaching to the people of Chatsworth. I wonder were Visvins family came from?? By the way Visvin does not even live in Chatsworth, i am not sure why he is preaching to the people there. He also accuses me of having facebook as my companion. Are we not all on facebook. Is he not on facebook? Is the ANC not on facebook. The fact remains he finds me a threat, and finds people who speak out against corruption in government and the ANC a threat. If society allows for corruption to spread, how then can we improve the lives of South Africans. The fact remains Visvin jumped ship from so many different political organisations. I understand people have to canvas for the political parties they represent. Surely if you want votes from the people will you go around threatening people. Who is Visvin Reddy? Do we not live in a democratic country. Do we not have a constitution? We have freedom of association, speech and rights. What people need to realise that the government is the servant of the people, not the authority, they are put there by the people, for the people, to administer the country, free of corruption and abuse. We have a right to get rid of a government that does not serve our needs.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 06:24:44 +0000

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