I am all for third paries getting into the frey. I am a staunch - TopicsExpress


I am all for third paries getting into the frey. I am a staunch independent and will be working to get the green party on track for 2016 and beyond. But timing is everything. I catch a lot of flack from hard core ethusist for the Green party who say I have no conviction. My question to them is this... Can you organize the green party to the level by 2014 elections where the new blood and new thinkers with new agendas can evacuate the ilk of this type state representation. Can you even organize fast ebnough to diminish the obstruction and fanatical agendass of this... of the Rape insurance thinkers??? the voter suppression advocates??? Because if you cant then you are only going to help this kind of shit grow. 2014 elections focus of every concernned citizen will be best served to eradicate the influence and strong holds of Koch money and the domestic terrorist of the current GOP. I know I know I hear it already...the whole two party system is a putrid sewer of humanity... but tell me this how many Liberals in the Democrat party are trying to set the clock back to the times of segregation and woman suffrage. How many Democrats are attempting to rewrite history books so the future generations have no truthful references in which to make better decisions? How many Democrats are selling Rape insurance to woman? Because I can tell you right now that the list of fanatical GOP domestic terrorist thatbare up for reElection in 2014 is HUGE. Unless you folks so sure that both parties are the same can muster up the troops in the green party and succeed each of these fanaticals up for reElection...then I suggest you help pave the way for the green party in2016 by getting rid of the fanaticals with some liberal minded folks who will probably endorse the Green party ANYWAY. Absolutely vote for and hopefully elect good green party candidates who are in position, but again unless you can fill each Fanatical set up for grabs in 2014 i suggest you get on board with putting a liberakl minded soul in the seat. Because if you dont your efforts will not matter. No ones will Yes Corproratism has no prejudice, but if folks can not see a vital difference in parties that we have right now...well then the John Birch society has succeeded in their goal. And Corporatism will obstruct til the cows come home.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:36:56 +0000

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