I am always amazed at the number of idiots we have in this country - TopicsExpress


I am always amazed at the number of idiots we have in this country and even in our congress. They are talking about impeaching Obama now. What for, being black while president. That just does not rank up there with treason and other high crimes. The people that should be impeached is the idiot tea party congress people that think this is a good idea. That is a high crime, they are suppose to be working in our interest not for their racist views. What are the so afraid of anyway, that we might elect another black president. Not likely to happen in the next several decades. Not many blacks were raised by a white grandmother from Kansas with anyway near the brains and guts his grandmother had. Then there all the hypocrites tea party member that thought Obama could not be president because he was not born in this country. If one parent is an American citizen it does not matter where they were born stupid. John McCain was born in the Canal Zone and your new favorite Ted Cruz was born in Canada and they qualify because they have at least one parent that is an American citizen. Again they are simply racists but will deny it, but what other conclusion can you come to? More than a 1,000 idiots showed up to listen to Cruz talk about killing Obama care. It never occurred to them that they would be hunting themselves and their family members by doing this. It is just not the 15% that does not have health insurance that would be hurt it is everyone with health insurance, stupid. Of course looking at the crowd they were nearly all old enough to be on Medicare. I bet they are the same fools that go listen Glenn Beck, we things in this world are absolute but Beck is the complete idiot with all that old crap designed to scare other idiots.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 22:44:34 +0000

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