I am amazed that it was only 4 years ago that William McIntyre & I - TopicsExpress


I am amazed that it was only 4 years ago that William McIntyre & I had a home without children screaming, giggling, playing, running & toddling around! Today Ryan is 4 years old & I am so grateful for her in my life. William is such a great Daddy & Father to Ryan & Hattie and a very supportive husband to me! We are often just ordinary parents, learning along the way...making mistakes, learning from them & moving forward. As I look at the baby pictures of Ryans first few hours and days I feel so overwhelmed with LOVE for her and for the opportunity God has given me to shelter & guide her along the way. What a tall order. What a blessing. I only pray that I can do her justice and allow her to blossom in Gods love. A special thanks to all my friends & family who have been there every day supporting us. We could not do it without you! Family is more than 2 parents, a few kids, a dog & a couple of cats. Family is who is there when you dont even realize how badly you need them...Thank you for sharing Ryan with us! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN! I love you with all my heart! You made me Mommy!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 17:43:39 +0000

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