~ I am an American bourne girl. Lived the bulk of my existence in - TopicsExpress


~ I am an American bourne girl. Lived the bulk of my existence in my birth place. I was amongst those at the tail end of the baby boomers...Baby boomers are those who were born when our wonderful men came home from the war they had been sent off to.....At the time of my most impressionable moments I came home from kindergarten to see our personal King of Camelot shot down in front of my eyes. Funny life was slow back then....I remember it was like yesterday as I was so proud of myself...I had just learned the song for my alphabet. 5 is a bad time to see your world crumble apart. The heart ache of seeing John Jr. standing at his fathers grave... a symbol of our mutual heart blown to pieces in front of the Queen of Camelot. ~ Heres the very crux of the matter. Here i am today on my page posting things from my heart to share with my friends and other people feel that it is cool to report an image that does not agree with their thinking process..well i have newS for you...if you do not like something walk the other freakin way...to me this is exactly why I support my personal freedoms here in Canada. The borders are still imaginary but what I do is take a problem and not just talk about it but look for resolutions. Since when did making art public become something to be reported. `Soooooo......... now that i am really on a roll here....my friends pages are being deleted...WHY? because the american government is now....(wash my mouth out with soap) um...BIG BROTHER? ~ Talk about culture shock.....I know as a peace from the tree of the best branches in my beloved home land that we knew what we were about back in the day....We were put together at the tail end of...OOOOOOPPPPPSSS ...WAR. yes our moms and dads finally got to see each other after what ever was left of the men arrived home to the lovely woman who went to the factories to manufacture for the War Machine. ~ Ya know I hate to be taken down because someone pulled the wool over my eyes...and my finger will never be pointed any where but at myself. I swallowed what was spoon fed to me from birth. Yes we all did....and what is worse....we have turned into a nation of cell heads...how many people meet you eye to eye nod there head as you pass each other in the streets. What happened to the human touch? Funny I had a conversation with a wonderful Artist gentlemen as we strolled by each other here on our amazing island of bliss. He smiled with that twinkle that only and elderly man can have...the one that says he knows how to take a gentle walk down a path and find contentment there. So here we are and a car passes, with the humor i have come to know and love from my family here on our island, he knowingly said.....well i guess we managed to get over the traffic Jam......LOL.. Well i almost fell over in tears of laughter. ~ So to gather all the strings of this many coloured story I am weaving...I bring our attention back to the most important place that I can comprehend for myself. My heart gate. It tells me like no tomorrow whether my actions are forthright or contaminated. It is that simple a process. There is a right feeeeeeling and a wrong feeeeeeling and mine are never off now....because I have come to trust my source that is integral to my makeup. My soul never steers me wrong. ~ When my eye connects to another who is suffering without....the simple and straightforward thing to do, as we learned as children is to help one another...Yes we help one another....it is our nature to do so. So here I am with a proposal to change things permanently for the better. ~ This is gonna be not your living room conversation but hey, this is the way I roll. (that big Gorilla is about to be viewed from a micro cosmic aspect here..no more ignoring them) Our country has been manipulated from birth to go the direction of the MACHINE. I could not understand why I would even bother to vote. How could I hold interest in something that had been made clearer than day into a beast that was more interested in chopping off my head then being for the people AND OF THE PEOPLE...I see madmen running my country...how did we ever get to the idea that going ahead and getting involved in the problems of others....because they were being bombed gave us the right to take our own men...and their lives, their families and toss them into the garbage like a disposal unit....Crap...I mean i saw the devestaion first hand of my own brother being permanently ALTERED due to agent orange...how about all the government testing on mind control, how about endless dollars being tossed at ketchup...( excuse me, yes they will come up with anythng to take our freakin HARD EARNED SLAVERY cash and spend it as they wish....pay the tax man baby..oh yeah, we were told from birth....you are guaranteed two things....death and taxes....well we really never die, it is an illusion and let me just point out that the other end of the bull*999......IF WE ALL GOT OFF OUR BUTTS AND SAID NOT TO TAXES FOR ONE YEAR, THE LAST VESTIGES OF GOVERNMENTAL MACHINE WOULD LIE DEAD AS ITS LAST BREATH IS JUST ABOUT THERE. ~ Now I am not a mad man...a mad man is a person locked away with out the capacity to formulate how to eat his cereal and drools because his poor brain is dead. hehehehehe..some of us are truly at that point I know. We are up to our proverbial eyeballs with manipulation of our selves, body and soul. How about understanding clearly that a kingdom can not stand divided. Why did Rome fall...because it took its slaves for granted. I got up day after day to go to the grind stone to repeat the endless process. ~ HERE IS MY FINAL POINT: ~We have opportunity to touch the lives of countless others, sometimes in ways that currently seem impossible.....All you want to do is remember that we are one family .....We are The Ohmnigate Love Family. We will not be going away any time real soon....as a matter of fact we have full sanction by source to adopt each and every soul on our Beautiful Mother Gaia, the provider of all we are as she absorbs the sound of light from Father Soul...oh yes, that is a new one.....light travels on SOUND......
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:31:50 +0000

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