I am an open book when it comes to my health and fitness journey - TopicsExpress


I am an open book when it comes to my health and fitness journey because I wouldn’t be the person I am today had I not gone through everything I’ve experienced. My hope is by sharing my ups and downs others will learn by my mistakes or find the encouragement they need to make necessary changes. I’ve made several mistakes over the years and I will continue to make mistakes. I’ve stumbled, fallen and at times I didn’t want to get up…but I did. I won’t always be right… but I will always be honest with what I believe and share what I feel is right. There seems to be a little confusion with some people on what I am doing now and why. First off, I still following flexible dieting and am for tracking your macros. I still believe HIIT sessions are great, especially if you are trying to maintain your muscle mass…and I’m all for lifting heavy unless you are like me and want to lose mass…then heavy lifting may not be your best bet. I had dieting for around 6 months when I noticed a few old habits creeping in. I was consumed with hitting my macros, what I could eat/couldn’t eat based on my numbers, what I weighed and I was basing my mood on the scale. I started canceling plans with my husband and friends and never wanted to go out because it was too hard/tempting to stay on track. I’ve struggled with disordered eating for several years and I was scared I would return to binging out of control if I kept this up. This is when I made the decision to stop. I quit tracking my food, I quit weighing myself and I started training with Brooke. Brooke has a lot of experience with things I’ve struggled with and continue to struggle with. Sometimes we need more than a workout plan and numbers- we need a support system, a shoulder to cry on or a person to reach out to in times of need. For me, it’s easier to relate to another female and I’m more comfortable opening up to one…. So it was an easy switch. I cannot tell you how much better I am now both mentally and emotionally compared to a month or two ago. I haven’t weighed myself in almost 2 months… I track food until I feel I need a break- and then I take one. My journey isn’t to prep for a show or diet for a photoshoot… it is much different this time around. I am simply learning to live with the body God has blessed me with and be okay with that. I still have goals, I am still working on reaching them but I am living my life in the meantime. I will get there and I will continue to make progress but I will not be unhappy until I get there. I will enjoy where I am and how far I’ve come. There is more to me than a size, number, PR, so I am not going to live my life by one. So there you have it… I am a flexible dieter that allows myself a time out when I need it =)
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:09:41 +0000

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