I am an optimistic person by nature. I try to always look on the - TopicsExpress


I am an optimistic person by nature. I try to always look on the bright side. Sometimes that is hard to do. I thought that I would take the boys to open house by myself to meet their teacher since Tracer & Tay are at football. Big mistake. Huge. First, there are two of them and only one of me. Second, way too many people and extremely too much stimuli. It started when we pulled up and they saw all the people. Jesse was already upset because he had to leave his cousin, Cooper. I had a hard time getting them out of the van. I was trying to talk softly, reassuringly to coax them to get out and head to the school. As we got closer, Jake is moaning, chewing his shirt and slapping himself. Jesse is crying while trying to smack both me and Jake. Both of them are trying to pull away from me. Jake is over 80lbs and that is a lot of weight to pull. As we make it through the school doors, people are spilling out everywhere. I know that this is typical for open house, but it freaked my boys out. They are crying, scared, and acting out. I manage to keep it together until we make it to their classroom. Jesse barely goes in the door, but Jake resists. I manage to pull him just inside of the door before we both fall to the floor. The teacher comes over to help. She is so sweet that I just start crying. (You know that feeling you get when you are trying so hard to keep it together until someone hugs you? Yea, that feeling.) I proceed to sit on the floor with Jake in my lap and Jesse on the floor beside me. After a few minutes, we all calm down. They still wanted to leave, but were more calm. Jesse sat by the door after looking around a bit and Jake told the teacher, Thank you. Nice to meet you. See you later. I was thankful that we were able to leave through the side door. Both boys were happy and playful heading to the van. They are all good. Im emotionally drained. I need a hot bubble bath, probably a glass of wine, and a hug. Autism is real... and it sucks.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:59:24 +0000

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