I am angry ... maybe incensed is a better word ... and it - TopicsExpress


I am angry ... maybe incensed is a better word ... and it generally takes a lot to push me to my limit. I was pushed yesterday, but even moreso today. For two days in a row, I have received a direct mail piece ... along with all the other political SHXT that is cluttering my mailbox. This is a postcard being distributed by a non-profit organization, League of Conservation Voters, lcv.org, who apparently think it is okay to send out your voting record (addressed to a voter ... or current resident). This information discloses whether or not you voted in the past elections. Now tell me why that information is anyones business but my own or the other voters in my household? I sure am not happy either that these mailers have passed through how many hands and eyes, while in transit to my home from Washington DC. If you ask me, this is an invasion of personal privacy, and we should demand that this sort of thing stops. I have already placed my call to the phone number on the card - 313-749-8962, to express my displeasure and to demand that they stop further publication of this information. I plan on making a few more calls and written objections too. If you find this wrong, please support my efforts by sharing this message, and calling these _________ (I cant even publish the term I would like to use ... so please feel free to fill in the blank with whatever colorful terms you might use, when you feel you or your family is being violated); and tell them that you are not happy with their methods. Further, to hide under the guise of a non-profit organization to get preferred tax status is shameful. So sorry for the soap box and for my rant.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:25:41 +0000

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