I am appalled and disappointed in my fellow Christians this - TopicsExpress


I am appalled and disappointed in my fellow Christians this morning.. have we become so freaking internally selfish of a people that we forget the words of our Lord Jesus Christ let alone the reason and principles America was built upon.. yes we have, because I see it everyday.. no one gives a shit about their neighbor anymore, we have become phonies to ourselves.. we forget the lady in the harbor outside where the Super Bowl was just held and her saying Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.. I got news for all of you, if you think that you are the only one that God above cares about then you have a big wake up call coming.. If you want to be upset because the person next to you may have darker skin or speak in a language other than English, I have news for you, God understands them just fine.. I really dont care who this pisses off and if by the end of the day, I have five friends instead of five hundred, you know what, thats ok, you see I love the Lord thy God and all his children, I dont care what color they are or what language they speak.. They are my brothers and sisters in this world and I will treat them as such.. and quite frankly I dont care if they want to sing America the beautiful in pig latin..
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:24:27 +0000

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