I am asked all of the time how I started off on my vegan - TopicsExpress


I am asked all of the time how I started off on my vegan journey. First things first, I was vegetarian for years prior and I decided I wanted to cut out all cruelty to cows in any way shape or form (Because as most of you know, I am obsessed with cows.) I saw a TERRIBLE video of workers at a dairy farm abusing cattle and their calves. Upon finding out about the terrible treatment of dairy cows, I found out about bobby calves, and male chicks.. Nothing has ever pushed me harder. Until I finally realized that when I was consuming dairy/milk a calf was not, I didnt think there was anything wrong with dairy (or eggs, because male chicks are just waste because they cannot produce eggs). I was more than wrong, because dairy and eggs are up to par with eating meat. Anyway, for some people going vegetarian is a good stepping stone to becoming cruelty free! When Daniel and I decided we were going to cut out dairy we started at HOME. We used up the last of our dairy and started buying substitutes. For a while I started off eating vegan at home and vegetarian when we ate out. Eventually our fridge was completely vegan and then we started to eat out vegan as well! In the beginning it is hard because you have to ask what is cooked where, and with what.. But once you know whats safe you can continue to order those things when you go out. I used google a ton, and I googled things like vegan options at...del taco, or apple bees whatever it may be. I would read what other people were ordering and I would order the same thing. Sometimes you arent lucky and youre stuck eating a salad with no dressing (because Ive found that some Italian dressings actually have dairy!). Its best to look ahead of time and remember what you are planning on ordering. Once you get the hang of it, it is super simple. Sometimes I do miss being able to just order a cheese pizza and be done with it.. But my inconvenience is worth not giving money to people who are enslaving and harming animals. I am not SOOO entitled to believe that a meal is worth someone losing their life. Start off slow if you must, but make a real effort. If you think veganism is hard, imagine the short life these animals live.. only to be revoked of their life so you have have a soon forgotten meal. Have compassion, and if you love animals, you WONT EAT THEM.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 18:40:44 +0000

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