I am asking all of my conservative patriotic friends to please - TopicsExpress


I am asking all of my conservative patriotic friends to please read this and then share it with everyone you know! THIS IS A PLAN TO DEFEAT DIRTY HARRY AND OBAMA IN 2014! This is critical that WE ALL GET INVOLVED, AS IT VERY WELL COULD BE THE LAST CHANCE WE HAVE TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY AND OUR FREEDOM WITHOUT BLOODSHED,and its something that every single one of us can do! i realize we all have a thousand different issues that we want corrected in our government, but this has GOT TO BE OUR PRIMARY FOCUS THIS YEAR! Here it is: Taking Down Harry Reid and Barack Obama in 2014 Its simple. Taking Harry Reid down means we take down his seven soldiers, and possibly an eighth. Weve got an opportunity that wont come along again for a very long time. The liberal left has completely discredited itself with the American people, due to the incompetent and bungling rollout of the Affordable Care Act. Weve got three Senate seats in Republican states opening up due to retirement: Montana, South Dakota, and West Virginia. Weve got four other seats in Republican states that we can win by knocking off Harry Reids soldiers and loyalists: Louisiana, Alaska, North Carolina, and Arkansas Now I want you to envision the possibilities once that happens. First, were going to be able to repeal and replace Obamacare in both houses of Congress. The reason is simple: Harry Reid has given us the nuclear option. We dont need sixty votes in the Senate, though we might get sixty once Democrats see how the ACA decimated their majority in the Senate. Second, President Obama will be facing two houses of Congress looking into the NSA spying scandal, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the Healthcare.gov debacle, and his administrations crony capitalist decisions not to prosecute bank executives whose banks laundered billions for the Mexican drug cartels. This is whats possible when we focus our fire on the target that matters: vulnerable and open Democratic Senate seats that will enable our long term goal. Whats that goal? The destruction of Harry Reids power, and the complete decimation of any obstacle to accountability for Barack Obama. Were asking you to help fight against vulnerable Democrats to assure that we take back control of our legislative process before it is too late to recover all the things that made America great. I realize the fight will not be an easy one, as the liberals are extremely well funded thanks to people like George Soros, the Unions, and the liberal media, but this is a fight WE CAN WIN! I am asking every single one of you to get involved by supporting conservative candidates through your donations (no matter how large or small), by manning phone lines, by knocking on doors etc. WE MUST BE WILLING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN! THIS VERY WELL MIGHT BE OUR VERY LAST CHANCE TO WIN WITHOUT A 2ND REVOLUTION. THE CHOICE IS YOURS! PLEASE CHOOSE WISELY!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 06:32:43 +0000

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