I am asking that all of you please share the urgent prayer request - TopicsExpress


I am asking that all of you please share the urgent prayer request listed below with all your contacts so that together we can appeal to the Supreme Court Justice in heaven and ask God for His mercy on our nation, protection for our religious freedoms, and that the Supreme Court will hear the Romeike family’s appeal as well. Thank you. On November 26, the Supreme Court of the United States will grapple with three critical cases—cases that cut to the core of our American vision of religious freedom. The questions that are being asked of the Supreme Court are simple and fundamental: • May the government order citizens to violate their sincerely held religious convictions? • Does the free exercise clause of our Constitution mean anything anymore? • Should the United States be a refuge for those fleeing religious persecution? In Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood v. Sebelius, the Court will have to decide if religious freedoms are violated by ObamaCare. In Romeike v. Holder, Home School Legal Defense Association is asking the Supreme Court to uphold the principle that the United States is a land that will offer protection to a German family who faces certain persecution and violation of their fundamental human rights if they are forced to return to their homeland. The Manhattan Declaration says that “under no circumstances will we render under to Caesar what is God’s.” Do children belong to Caesar? Doesn’t God give children as gifts to parents and assign them the right and responsibility to raise and educate them? Will you join me and thousands of others for a day of prayer and fasting on November 17 to ask God’s favor on behalf of religious freedom and this precious family—Uwe and Hannah Romeike and their seven children? In 2010, a federal immigration judge granted the Romeikes asylum because they faced certain persecution if they returned to Germany—outrageous fines, criminal prosecution, and the seizure of their seven children—just because they homeschool. This judge rightly said that America should be a refuge for those who are persecuted. I agree. But the Obama Administration revoked their asylum protection in 2012. In April 2013 a three-judge panel of the sixth circuit refused our appeal for justice and upheld the administration’s revocation of asylum telling the Romeikes that America would not be a refuge for them. Read more about the Romeikes by accessing the following link: hslda.org/legal/cases/romeike.asp?src=emailMDecl They are wrong. And that’s why I appealed to the Supreme Court. I feel good about our argument, but we must all recognize that the Supreme Court takes a very limited number of cases. Will you pray that the Court will hear our appeal? The statist mentality that makes homeschooling virtually impossible in Germany is growing in the U.S.—some argue vehemently that the only form of education that should be tolerated in America is public education. I recently wrote “Tolerance and Liberty” for the Peabody Journal of Education to respond to these strident voices and as a warning to all about this threatening trend. I’ve arranged to make it available for you free of charge by accessing the following link: response.hslda.org/LP%3D37 Parents may freely choose to delegate this responsibility but they should never be persecuted for following their convictions to give their children an education consistent with their moral beliefs. This is what Romeike v. Holder is all about and we need your help! Will you please join me on Sunday, November 17, asking God’s mercy on our nation, protection for religious freedom, and that the Supreme Court will hear the Romeike family’s appeal? Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. May God bless you! Michael P. Farris
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 12:39:33 +0000

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