I am at the point where I am about ready to organize a nationwide - TopicsExpress


I am at the point where I am about ready to organize a nationwide sick day for all law enforcement officers! I think thats all it would take. Lets show this thankless country what it looks like when the men and women who protect them everyday, just dont show up. Did you know that the idiot congress men and women who are on the floor giving speeches about hands up-dont shoot bullcrap have taxpayer funded law enforcement officers to protect them 24/7? Yep, thats right. Even though they can stand there and criticize the actions of law enforcement officers, make blanket statements about the unaccountability of men and women who hold no value of black lives and even offer suggestions of body cameras, they get to leave the building with their own personal police officer by their side. I vote we put a camera on the officers that are with the congressmen 24/7 and see what we catch on tape then! All this questioning of the actions of law enforcement is doing nothing but endangering society further. We are enabling every young black man to resist arrest because now they know they can push it to the limit and if the officer does physically harm them, it will be the officers fault. We (as a society) are telling law enforcement officers that we value the lives of criminals more than we do theirs. We are crippling the law enforcement community as whole and restricting their ability to do their jobs. People its 2014! We have a black president in this country for Pete sake! Why are we still fighting a race war? Sure, we have ghettos where hoards of poor black peoples live below the poverty level. Roll to WV one time and let me show you the white ghetto. Poverty is not race restricted. Black and white children are both suffering in this country. Crime is not race restrictive, we have black and white criminals being arrested everyday. Police officers are not race restrictive, we have black and white law enforcement officers, both good and bad. Not all white cops are bad, not all black cops are bad. Why are doing this to ourselves? We are tearing our country down from the inside out. I dont know why we are even worried about ISIS, we are going to destroy ourselves here. We are burning down our own cities to prove a point. What does that say about our spoiled selfish society? Im not racist. Im not picking a side. I believe that God created us all and He values our lives all the same. I believe in right and wrong no matter the color. Im not afraid to say what I think or believe. For right now, Im still afforded that right. Do we really want to live in a lawless country? What if nobody answered when we dialed 911? Think about that because thats where we are headed.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 15:20:39 +0000

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