I am aware that there are always two sides to every situation. My - TopicsExpress


I am aware that there are always two sides to every situation. My ego also doesnt prohibit me from admitting when I have some fault in, or have made a mistake, in a situation. You know me: if there is an emperor wearing no clothes, an elephant in the room or, if I perceive a social injustice of sorts is going on particularly with regard to this community of Branson, of which I am a part, Ill use Facebook to address it. Am I aware that some might be alienated as a result of my posting commentary regarding potentially controversial issues? Of course. Do I care? Of course,... But my desire for justice and my confidence that a greater good will eventually come from my public commentary, overcomes any fears I might have of any negative consequences that might arise as a result from me opening my mouth, so to speak. Did I offend, insult or otherwise hurt the feelings of the woman that I made a social injustice strawman out of last night? Most likely and for that, I feel badly. I know she is not a monster by any stretch of the imagination and I believe that if she and I were to visit one-on-one, she would most likely be a very pleasant person to visit and become acquainted with. She could very well have been having a bad day or may have developed a friendly association with my afore-mentioned brother that I was unaware of, that he allowed and which consequently made her feel comfortable in asking for the discount that she did. Fans of public figures typically want to feel more special than the rest of the fans of such notables and she may have found value in being recognized by an alleged celebrity. That is something that has gone on probably since the dawn of time, ever since there have been public figures and who can blame someone? We almost all become starstruck and starry-eyed and enamored with certain public figures and desire to be validated by them. Purposely, I mentioned no names in last nights post. It would have been heartless and uncalled for. The incident in and of itself, and by itself, was actually no big deal in the grand scheme of things, but my point was (and Im willing to admit that I may have made it poorly): if you are going to be audacious enough to ask for a discount or a freebie and it doesnt go quite the way you were hoping, dont be an ingrate or complain and instead, simply be grateful that you received any consideration, at all. We are all equal people in this mortal life here upon this earth, each with their own issues, each trying to make it and you or I dont deserve any special treatment any more than the next person. YOU are no worse or better than anyone else and I am no worse or better than anyone else. Period. We are all equally awesome in Gods eyes. When I am around town patronizing various businesses, I do not request or expect special treatment, in fact, it makes me uncomfortable to be treated more special than everyone else and most of the time, I would prefer to remain somewhat anonymous, although if I am recognized, I will be gracious, express gratitude and accept the acknowledgment. At times, depending upon my mood, I will accept discounts or other considerations, if they are offered to me, but I can pay full price for my own stuff and usually do, happily, because the particular business I am patronizing is providing a product or service to me that I feel is valuable enough to give them my business, in the first place. There are some businesses also that we have reciprocal agreements with, where we essentially scratch their back and they scratch ours and so, I will of course, accept the discount or complimentary consideration. Should I apologize to this woman? Well, if I am the person with a heart that I seemingly have the reputation for having and I believe in following the Golden Rule or Royal Law of respecting others as I would like to be respected, then it would probably be the right thing to do, so, yes. Besides that, she left the theatre in tears. Thats not cool (and it has bothered me all day). And it most likely means that she left feeling genuinely like she was treated unfairly and I certainly dont want people leaving our show in such emotional turmoil that tears are shed, under any circumstances. Besides that, who am I ultimately, to tell her that her perception was wrong? I have my own faults and weaknesses and why should I seek justice upon others when I indeed hope for mercy, for myself? So, Ms. X, I am sorry if my post contributed more pain and hardship upon an already unpleasant situation in life you may find yourself in, regardless of who or what the source of your troubles might be or at whose feet the blame might be placed. Maybe as a Daughter of God whom He loves dearly, you needed a break and maybe I failed to give it to you (and possibly failed a test that was being provided to me), thus preventing what little sunlight might have been introduced back into your life (resulting from such a break,) from reappearing and consequently blessing you and in turn, giving you just enough of a boost to enable you to have the energy and the mindset to go out and bless the lives of others. And if that is what happened, I truly apologize. I AM SORRY
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 21:58:42 +0000

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