I am back but briefly from one hell of a day. Went in to see Dad - TopicsExpress


I am back but briefly from one hell of a day. Went in to see Dad for the usual lunch time, was told he REFUSED breakfast, and he was not eating his lunch. I begged, I pleaded, I tried to coax some into him. He drank a few swallows of the supplement shake and would not try any more. His stomach was still upset and his throat hurt so bad that a small sip of water was too painful for him. I asked for more fluids when his dextrose drip ran out, and for treatment for his sore throat. Dad keeps saying that if they could help his stomach and throat feel better, HE WOULD EAT. But no one would listen or DO anything. Finally the nurse asked for my number to have the doctor call me. He calls me and says, Maybe you should try his treatment from a different approach. Maybe you should call Hospice. Are you freaking KIDDING ME?! I said, MAYBE someone should treat what is wrong with his stomach and his throat and he would not have to DIE!! He asked if I wanted more fluids, and I said that would be the least of it. He asked if I would like him removed to the hospital and I said that would be a pretty good damn idea by now. He is now at TriCity Medical Center being TREATED. After ONE bag of fluids, he looked like a different person and was speaking better and more present in the room again. Hed looked practically DEAD when we brought him IN. They are doing CT scans and in the morning will have a look at what is going on with his esophagus. But at least NOW someone is attending to what is HAPPENING to him. Dan and I went to gather his belongings from Vista Knoll. No matter WHAT happens, he will NOT go back THERE. And you can bet I will be following up with an official complaint - a very thorough one. I have excellent notes of this experience, with dates. I may even look into legal action, depending on what the hospital finds. At any rate, I am taking a break, since I have been at this all day since noon. I really needed to step away since now I know he is in the best care he can get at the moment. I feel he is SAFE now. And I can take another breath. His vitals remain strong and stable. He is conscious and speaking and cognizant of where he is and what is going on. So far, so good. Just need to discover the problem and deal with it. I am certain that if we can get him over the hurdle and eating again, he will improve rapidly. THEN we will deal with the knee therapy or whatever. I may even take him outpatient to VK for therapy. But he will NEVER be a resident there again.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 05:08:05 +0000

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