I am beginning to write a novel that I am titling : A lot like, - TopicsExpress


I am beginning to write a novel that I am titling : A lot like, Lucy. Its the story of a young woman who is diagnosed with split personality disorder, and her only other personality claims itself to be the Devil. Its going to be a horror novel. If that sounds interesting, here are the first two paragraphs: She would have thought she could end the life of someone she cared about; however, as she stood atop her body, she couldnt shake the feeling of mutually exhilarant and panicked thoughts that now clouded her mind as she gazed over the grisly scene that now lay before her. She then caught herself relishing in each and every detail. She managed to even let slip a darting remark of how much fun she believed this rush of adrenaline to be. Her pupils widened as she tip-toed step by step to the literal brink of her moral self-conscious. She liked it. From the chaos strewn about the room, to the almost symmetrical puddles and drops of crimson life splattered about. She walked over to the mirror, and only then had she realised the weight of her actions. With blood splattered across her face like indian-warpaint, she took the bloodied mirror-fragment in her hand and sliced her cheek from the right corner of her mouth as far as the razor would allow. She watched herself bleed. It reminded her of pleasant times, however, just as fast as her memory recalled them, her memory faded into black nothingness as she fell to the floor. Upon hitting the ground, she then bore a new facial expression. One of confusion and terror.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 03:08:29 +0000

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