I am blessed to live in a very beautiful country. France has some - TopicsExpress


I am blessed to live in a very beautiful country. France has some of the most beautiful architecture known to man. Châteaus exist in all directions from Paris that are over 1000 years old. Some of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world are within hundred miles of Paris. But this Easter will be a very strange experience for me. To be honest, I believe I have such a personal relationship with Christ that Easter happens every day. So I suppose I wont too much miss the traditional Sunday morning services, because I have those experiences regularly. But theyre personal experiences. I really havent found a Protestant church in Paris that even comes close to what Im used to in the US. And the reason for that is very simple. A few generations ago, Europe basically abandoned Christianity. The Catholic Church is still alive in Europe, but barely. The beautiful cathedrals have basically become museums. And the sad thing is, most of the people I know basically live in spiritual ignorance. Its not that theyre opposed to Christianity, or have particularly negative feelings about the church. Its just that they have never heard the story before. The things that seem to me so basic, are totally unknown. The sermon on the mount. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The experience of the disciples in the upper room. Peters three denials of Christ. The b attitudes. Jesus feeding the 5000. Judass betrayal with a kiss. All of these things that seem so basic and foundational, are totally unknown by most people I know in Europe. But their experience is one of ignorance not of arrogance. Theyve just never heard the stories. But if you share with most people in Europe that you have a personal relationship with Christ. If you told him that actually 50% of your waking moments were spent in some version of prayer. If you told him that the Lord gives you directions on when to give people money, went to help people out, theyd think youre crazy. So its a very fine line. I desperately want to tell everyone I know the Good News of the gospel. But if I do so on my timetable, it would probably scare most of these folks off. And The Lord has been very clear with me. Im to take it very, very easy with them. So every day is like laying one brick of a house. And Ive only got about 500 more days left. I would just ask that when you pray, pray that the Lord would allow me opportunities to witness to these friends I have here. They really are dear, sweet people. And I dont want to scare them off. And I certainly dont want to fail in my opportunity to witness. But I only have 500 more days.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 20:16:46 +0000

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