I am certainly against bifurcation of our state. Doing politics - TopicsExpress


I am certainly against bifurcation of our state. Doing politics based on caste, community, religion, region definitely should not be accepted but that is the easiest way to cheat our Indian public. Till date our public doesn’t change, politicians will certainly exploit with those tricks. Today it is Telangana and tomorrow it is South and North Telangana. Today KCR has done this and tomorrow Some PCR will come to do that moment. As long as our people are ready to become sheep’s many people like KCR’s will be coming to exploit our emotions. We have to make our Telanga brothers understand that, For Common public it will not make any difference because even after the separation of state people have to work for to eat. I don’t think that Telangana will give them food without working nor Andhra will give that. Every buddy should do our duties for our livelihood. Do you think Telanagana Udyamam is greater than Our YSR Garu or NTR Garu? Definitely not! (1) Has Telanagana Udyamam provided 108 for Telugu people? (2) Has Telanagana Udyamam provided 104 services for Telugu people? (3) Has Telanagana Udyamam provided free current to the farmers of our state? (4) Has Telanagana Udyamam provided AAROGYASRI for our poor people? (5) Has Telanagana Udyamam build any irrigational projects in our state? (6) Has Telanagana Udyamam build any SEZ’s or Port Projects in our state? (7) Has Telanagana Udyamam saved at least one life of our OU student Brothers? (8) Has Telanagana Udyamam improved the living standards of any buddy in state except KCR Family & Friends. (9) Has Telanagana Udyamam improved the exports from our state? (10) Has Telanagana Udyamam provided free higher education for poor children? (11) Has Telanagana Udyamam provided 2 Rs. Rice to poor people? (12) Has KCR and Team fought for people problems of Telangana any time? (Very Minimal Compared to Telanagana Udyamam) (13) I don’t think regional feelings are there in public of AP except the leaders. Yes I do say Telanagana sentiment is there in public and I do accept, respect and do fight for Telangana but when. If Telanagana Udyamam could not able to do these entire things then how can it be greater than YSR Garu or NTR Garu. KCR and TRS leaders are saying JAY TELANAGANA and confusing the people of TELANAGANA. KCR don’t want Telanagana people to understand when Telanagana is required. But when do we need Telanagana. we need Telanagana when our state doesn’t have a leader like YSR garu/NTR Garu or when we don’t have a leader who can replace YSR garu/NTR Garu in the state, but there is one who can do that, he is none other than our Jagan anna, If Jagan Anna becomes the CM of our state, I don’t think that Andhra Pradesh require Bifurcation. Jagan Anna already promised in the parliament that he will make Telangana as golden telangana. All my Telanagana people and OU Students please note this point and underline my words. Do you know why KCR garu is silent nowadays after the bifurcation statement made by Delhi Congress because he don’t know anything except JAY TELANAGANA. If we bifurcate the state and keep in the hands of KCR , do you think he can give better governance than YSR garu/ NTR Garu. Definitely not. He will sell Telanagana to Italy and sit in America. He is excellent political Manthrikudu. No buddy, people of India nor the politicians nor media will understand what KCR is doing until Telanagana is sold to Italy and he is settled in America. Yesterday he told Vijayasanthi garu is his sister and today I don’t know what he is going to saying about her. As for as I have see in media she has worked hard with KCR for a long time. Trust me all my Telanagana Brothers he will certainly throw everyone as if he has thrown Vijayasanthi garu. So friends don’t believe people like KCR. Dear friends we would have seen many times on road 108 running very fast and saving many life’s, why would have other CM’s except NTR done this kind of activity in state after independence and before YSR garu, does it not say that all those CM’s were just concern about numbers for parliament and assembly and not that much particular about our public welfare. Please think with your hart don’t you guys feel whatever I am saying is correct. Yesterday YSR Garu gave ambulance on wheels and tomorrow Jagan Anna will give ambulance on air and believe me it is for granted. If Jagan anna become CM of our state he will bring all the streams of the government into single database and the workflow will be made in such a way that if any issue is not attended in time by the public servants then the issue will be escalated to his higher authorities and if higher authorities doesn’t attend the issue then it will get escalated in a hierarchy of collector then to Principal secretary and then finally to the Chief Minister of the state. All the departments of the state will be controlled by single software and everything will be on a single database. Everything will be trackable, traceable and everything will be transparent. To see Andhra as America in another 30 years all Telugu people should become one and Make Jagan Anna CM of our state. Jagan Anna is a god’s gift to all our people, he is not an ordinary man, he is fighter, he is a warier, he is young & he is dynamic. He is the first man in India who dared to fight against Sonia Gandhi Ji at an age of 39 years. Is it not proud to our state. Andhra Pradesh require a warier like him for to prove to this world that we are the best. We lost Kohinoor diamond when we fought with British, we should not leave Jagan anna now for congress tricks and magic’s. feel it as the responsibility of every Telugu person to fight for our Jagan anna. If we people don’t react now we will be blamed for the historical mistake done by us by our future generations. Do you think Telanagana Udyamam is grater than AAROGYASRI? Please tell from your hart TRS leaders, give corporate treatment to the poor people irrespective of religion, region caste & community. Do u think can KCR do this kind of program to the people of Telanagana even after taking 100 birth’s, absolutely not and it is impossible and not possible. Harish Rao Garu, we don’t have to consider him as a leader because we have seen him beating people in front of media with that we can understand what is his attitude, I feel KTR garu and Kavitha garu are not like KCR & Harish Rao garu, I don’t know how these people are supporting Harish Rao and KCR. I admit that people like KTR garu and Kavitha garu are required not only for Telangana they are even required for united Andhra Pradesh. We need to use their talents to build up our state. By reading their faces on media they are Hartley good people if I am not wrong, if I am wrong I am sorry for the statement. As Modi sir said today in HYD that if congress would have given Telanagana in 2004 itself it would have been excellent. How will that be excellent, would Telanagana People have seen Rajaanna Rama Rajam. If my Telangana Brothers could not able to enjoy the fruits of Rajaanna Governance then how will it be an excellent decision Mr. Modi Ji. We have noticed congress very clearly and nearly from 2009 that she could not able to take even a single decision correctly in the absence of great leader YSR garu. How come you are also thinking like congress Sonia ji and Manmohan Ji after coming to Andhra Pradesh? Ruling Andhra Pradesh people is not as easy as ruling Gujarat people and Andhra Politics are not as easy as Gujarat Politics, so it is better u be silent to have ur respect in Andhra Pradesh sir. We have lot of respect on you because you have done great developments in Gujarat (like our NTR and YSR) our people are pretty much aware of that . If you want to have that respect further please don’t interfere in the internal problems of our state. We people and our leaders are capable of handling our state issues. All these disturbances have not came because of our leaders, it is happened because of Delhi leaders, those leaders don’t know what is what in our state. You please don’t behave like them, that is certainly not good for your respect in Andhra Pradesh. Dear Sonia Madam Ji, if u separate our state forget about Andhra and rayalasima, you will not even get one seat also in Telanagana because our Indian People will ignore if someone cheat’s us but we don’t forget if someone helps us. This statement is applicable for Telugu people also madam. The people of all the three parts are benefited by our great leader Rajaanna. So be careful madam. Your expectations in Telangana will become wrong madam. Telanagana People will certainly require Telanagana in the absence of Jagan anna but not in the presence of him madam. Even you separate Andhra Pradesh or not your party will not even win even a single seat in Andhra Pradesh Madam, in the worst case people might vote for TDP madam and undeniably not for congress Madam and we know that you have this survey report with you madam, keeping this in mind don’t spoil our state madam. For your kind notice this is not the word of one madam, this is the word of all the Telugu speaking, Telugu Liking & Telugu Loving people in India madam. Regards, Narmadh Reddy.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 04:25:21 +0000

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