I am changing my cover picture to Lorie’s funeral services and - TopicsExpress


I am changing my cover picture to Lorie’s funeral services and going to share her story to try to send a message to all women, their husbands, and boyfriends and significant others, that early detection can save lives! Lories Story: Approximately a year or so before she was diagnosed with breast cancer I, yes I, found a lump under her breast. I urged and begged her to go to the doctors. She refused because she did not have insurance and said not to worry it was not anything to worry about. Every day I urged her and begged her to go but she continued to refuse. Over time I could see a change in her health, she was always tired, achy, and just not herself! Then on November 20, 2012, while at work I got a phone call from our son Adam that she passed out in the bathroom and was somewhat unresponsive. I had him call 911 and we rushed her to Hershey Medical Center. After hours, but what seemed like decades of test, we got the dreaded news that she had BREAST CANCER. As the tears flowed and I held her, she asked the doctor if she was going to die! Over several days of testing, it was discovered that she had stage 4-breast cancer that had spread to her liver, bones and spinal fluid and was not curable but possibly controllable. On the day she was discharged, the doctors asked her if she would like her prognosis and she said no but I want my husband to know. We went to the hall and they told me she had 3 months to 3 years depending on if they could control it. She started treatment with Dr. Truica and her staff, for the first few months to a year the cancer was controlled, and she was doing well. Then around May of 2014, she started getting weaker and jaundice. The cancer had started to aggressively attack her liver. They gave her three options to try to fight it. Two types of pills or chemo. Of course, because she did not want me to miss work she chose the pills, but they had no affect on the cancer. On June 6, 2014, she started chemo again, first round went very well, and we were very optimistic. She had her second treatment and things went down hill very fast. By Saturday, she was weak, but still insisted that I go to the Dauphin County Convention, and by Sunday was very sick but refused to go to the hospital. She fought us tooth and nail even up to when we did call the ambulance! We got her to Hershey but the chemo had done the opposite of what it was suppose to and the cancer had become more aggressive. They wanted to do surgery and I had to make the hardest decision in my life and say no, just make her comfortable! They made her as comfortable as possible until she passed on June 20, 2014 exactly 18 months from her diagnosis, and 10 days before our 35th anniversary! I decided to share this with everyone, because I do not want to see any husband, boyfriend, significant other or any family member for that matter to ever have to go thru this! Do I blame myself for this, YES I DO!!! I wish now that on that day I found the lump, I would have taken her by the hand, or picked her up by the pants ass and taken her to the doctor or emergency room to get her checked. Would have it made a difference, only GOD knows for sure but I wish I had that chance over again to find out! So to all the husbands, boyfriends and significant others if you find a lump, or anything that is not normal, PLEASE take your loved one by the hand or pick them up by the pants ass and get them checked out! It is not about her boobs it is about her life! If she does not have insurance, there is help out there! Anyone of the great breast cancer groups, Hershey Med and friends and family, like we were blessed with! Lorie Jane, I love and miss you so much!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:08:38 +0000

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