I am cleaning out my misc folders, and came across this (edited) - TopicsExpress


I am cleaning out my misc folders, and came across this (edited) screen shot of a conversation that I had a year ago with an opposing faction member in an expand\research\build\destroy space game. Lots of fleets of ships dashing around. Lets call jerk Opposing Faction (OF) I was resource farming, and I note OF is going from base to base, wrecking things. OF is killing bases of newbs, nowhere near his skill level. Me : You want to stop that OF : Or what? I check with my faction, all good, I launch my fleets, guns hot. OF : WTF?!? You are a dick! Me : No, I am not. you are harvesting players half of your level. Eat disintegrator. -- first combat -- I sent his fleet for scrap OF : (horrible verbal abuse) Me : Leave this sector OF : (more abuse) -- second combat -- Another fleet, sent to scrap OF : What is wrong with you?!? I am going to kick your ass! -- third combat -- complete wreckage of his third fleet Me : Do not come back OF : You are KOS to my faction, BTW. (KOS = Geekspeak for Kill On Sight) Me : Mate, you are the jerk. You are wrecking the game for newbs. You saw my fast attack fleet Scalpel. Those were my fast, light ships. That fleet ate 3 of yours. If you come back here, and I am online, you get to see Sledgehammer fleet. Scalpel is for fast cutting. Sledge... has 6 times the health, and does a LOT more damage. OF : (abusive language) Me : Just keep in mind, I have you in mind. When you have a proper fleet and arent reaping newbs, show up. I will have my 6th fleet soon. I did not hear a peep from him or his factionmates. After putting a lot of time into the game, the company slammed the server down due to financial difficulties. Dont screw with a guy with double your level, and is protective of his weaker teammates.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:43:58 +0000

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