I am compelled to write this post for several reasons. I truly - TopicsExpress


I am compelled to write this post for several reasons. I truly respect those with cancer who choose the route of chemo, radiation and surgery. I have heard of many success stories and I am so glad that the outcomes have been positive. I am in no way trying to offend anyone and Im sure that most have a different opinion than mine. 3 of the 4 of us in my immediate family have had cancer. My father passed away from multiple myeloma (bone cancer...he had radiation and chemo). My sister died 4 months ago from stage 4 breast cancer, which had metastasized to her spine, liver, and bones. She finished her tenth and final radiation treatment, and died several days before she was supposed to have started chemo. My mom is a breast cancer survivor who chose to have a mastectomy. With reading and talking with some friends who have my same thoughts, I hope that if I were diagnosed, that I would at least look at alternative/natural ways which cure cancer. Cancer patients bodies are toxic and very acidic. My thought is: If the body is already toxic, why would one additionally poison (chemo) and burn (radiation) the body? There are natural ways to cure these diseases. However, how much money and jobs would be lost if the FDA approved these cures? I heard (not for sure) that 70% of money donated to the American Cancer Society is used for administrative costs. I am frustrated at how the lives of cancer patients are played upon for money...again, just my opinion. My mother started taking chemo pills after her mastectomy. She began to feel a bit sick and described herself as feeling strange, after she had taken them for a few weeks. I begged her to get a monthly Blood Marker test to detect any possible cancer cells, rather than take the chemo pills. She finally consented to do so and gets the blood test done and so far, so good. I hurt deeply because I have a fear that my sister died from the result of her radiation therapy. She chose to take the route of radiation and planned on chemo and even surgery, if that were to help her. I respected her choices and never mentioned to her what my thoughts were, as I know that she was going through the most difficult time in her life. My mother was in Houston (MD Anderson Cancer Center) with Susan. Her first four treatments seemed to be okay, she was walking around the Center with my mother, they had lunch together after the treatments, etc. and spent quality time together. I spent a week in Houston during Thanksgiving break. Upon seeing my sister, I had expected to find her still up and walking, feeling pretty good and doing what she had been doing before I arrrived. She had her fifth treatment the day before I arrived. Thats when she said that she was noticing some changes...fatigue, less mobile, sweating. When I saw her, I was shocked...her husband had to assist her in getting out of her bed and chair, literally lifting/picking her up, also the same to the bathroom. Wheelchair was then standard for getting her to her treatments at MD Anderson. Two days before I was to go home, Susan developed a deep cough, had a fever, swallowing was difficult. Was given prednisone. The night before she was to go home to Louisiana and go back the next week to Houston to start chemo, she stopped breathing and died in her sleep. I researched her symptoms and feel that she may have passed away from radiation pneumonitis....just my speculation, but a strong one. I am just asking those diagnosed with cancer to at least research and consider the options of natural cures for these horrible diseases. Again, I respect those who choose the route of chemo, radiation and surgery if diagnosed, and my post is only to express my feelings and hopefully not offend anyone.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:22:22 +0000

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