I am convinced that on the day of Judgement,we will see men and - TopicsExpress


I am convinced that on the day of Judgement,we will see men and women who lived in deserts,caves and jungles recieve eternal rewards from Christ for their faithfulness,and we will be stunned when we see the most infamous Bible scholars,pastors,evangelists,healers,miracle-workers rejected and cast into the eternal fire.We will see people whom we looked down upon,homeless people that we treated like scum and filth receive a crown of glory and respected men,tossed into the fire.Our popularity means absolutely nothing,because,God is no respector of persons,the crowds in our churches and ministries,does not always mean we have been anointed by God nor blessed by God,it is to say that it is evidential that we won too many ignorant souls who believed in our scam,distortion and heresy.This is not to say famous people will not enter into Heaven,i know some rich,popular saints who love the Lord,but is it to say,It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.(Mark 10:25) Jesus Said: Not everyone that saith unto Me,Lord,Lord,shall enter in the Kingdom of Heaven,but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.Many will say to Me in that day,Lord,Lord,have we not prophesied in Thy name,and in Thy name have cast out demons,and in Thy name done many wonderful works,(miracles).And then will I profess unto them,I never knew you,depart from Me,ye that work iniquity (sin).(Matthew 7:21) I am content to be part of that minority group,the Bride of Christ that goes to Heaven unknown by the world,rather than to be cast into hellfire well-known.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 06:14:14 +0000

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