I am convinced that true friendship is one that is based on a - TopicsExpress


I am convinced that true friendship is one that is based on a highly respected man what he needs! Friendship gives some sense of the soul and poetic, those powers sublime, to which life would be colorless! I wish friends and friends of truth and purity, but what a friendship? For me, friendship is a feeling that value gets near a noble soul, is the only reason that makes you fight when all are with you is the only "art" that teaches you to love, to forgive, to forget grudges done intentionally by others to hurt, to be better, is an important gift we receive and must take care of it ... Sunt convinsa ca adevarata prietenie,este aceea care se intemeiaza pe un inalt respect ce ii este necesara omului ! Prietenia confera sufletului si un oarecare sens poetic,acele puteri sublime,fata de care viata ar fi lipsita de culoare ! Imi doresc prieteni si prietenii adevarate, curate, insa ce inseamna o prietenie? Pentru mine, PRIETENIA este acel sentiment care capata valoare langa un suflet nobil, este singurul motiv care te face sa lupti cand toti sunt alaturi de tine este singura "arta" care te invata sa iubesti, sa ierti, sa uiti ranchiuna facuta intentionat de altii sa te raneasca , sa fii mai bun, este un cadou important pe care il primim si trebuie sa avem grija de ea... for you for you....
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:54:55 +0000

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