I am daily amazed at the variety of political opinion on my FB - TopicsExpress


I am daily amazed at the variety of political opinion on my FB wall. And I am grateful for it. It shows me that I have friends from a wide-range of political understandings and perspectives who are insistent on sharing their views and engaging in the issues that catch my own attention with a strident urgency as well. One of the more provocative opiners is my dear friend Craig Jones who brings his punk-grunge-ex-vet-badass bearings to the table when it comes to matters of Canadas coming election. We have been discussing for several months now the utter paucity of alternatives to imperious PM Harper. He likens the three federal major party leaders to the Three Stooges, and contends that we, as an electorate, have become shit-eaters (a la Henry Rollins (2.13.61)) feeding at the corporate media trough and unable to distinguish fact from fiction because, basically, were lazy and disengaged. He suggests that we need a new Messiah to arise from the masses, someone with the very best qualities to manage the Pandoras box of divisive concerns that become the daily bread-and-butter of a country leaders preoccupations. But, he laments, we will search in vain for this leader, and instead will be condemned to pick one of the stooges. I empathize with the desire to find the One who would lead a nation to social righteousness and economic health. But I think the desire for such a leader is wrong-headed and the impulse behind such a desire is specious. Great leaders are never, historically, as great as they were originally thought; and they are often tyrannical Machiavels. Think of: Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama... Ken Nordine tells it like it is, in parable form, with a little bit of tongue-in-cheek, but with sinister dead-pan accuracy. https://youtube/watch?v=EQtSrPQjoqU
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:42:37 +0000

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