I am deLIGHTed to be participating in this WONDERful event which - TopicsExpress


I am deLIGHTed to be participating in this WONDERful event which is all about cell rejuvenation and healing with nature. It is packed with inspiration and lots of goodness for enhancing health. This is not any old detox retreat . This is all about upward stream cleaning as Dr David Jubb would say. It is about cleaning from the top of the mountain. We have an abunDANCE of health related activities there will be for everyone who decided to join us from : *Yoga with the 5 elements and aromatherapy – with Susan Laing *Live teleseminar with special guest and expert on liver/gallbladder cleansing, nutrition, microscopy, live blood formation specialist, neurobehavioral physiologist and Shaman, Dr David Jubb with questions and answers *Shamanic drumming and journeying with your animal spirit guide- Susan Laing *Demos and talks on LifeFood, nutrition, naturopathy – Susan Laing *Medical Qigong – Opening the gates for elimination and moving chi stagnation and nourishing jing - with John Mackie *Colonic irrigation and demos on fermented food and drinks – with Kenny Bountiful Sun – health food advocate *Wild Food Forage Walk with Holly Paige - author and health food advocate *Rebirthing with Greg Manning *Saunas and glorious countryside strolls Additional activities: *Therapeutic Massage – a fusion of styles from Western and Eastern massage techniques, including specialized liver gallbladder percussion and massage with John Mackie.co.uk *Kundalini yoga with gong bath with Maitri Shakti Kaur How about making your New Years Resolution right this minute and promising your self with health is wealth? The path of the warrior is about taking a giant step and leap of faith with courage and commitment. Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall .This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.” – Terence McKenna Health is about nourishing our souls, lifting our spirits and healing with nature, which is what this can retreat is all about. Nature heals and we are nature. We look forward to guiding and supporting you with your journey into the healing with nature abyss involving cell rejuvenation and bioelectric transformation.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:49:13 +0000

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