I am declaring that today will be better than yesterday. I have 2 - TopicsExpress


I am declaring that today will be better than yesterday. I have 2 fears while in my car. Hitting a deer and driving on wet dirt roads. As you know, I travel with my job and yesterday, I was driving on a WET dirt road and I got STUCK. Not once, but TWICE!! Thank God for traction on my car and I got The Lords attention with all my begging to him. Lol it took a while and some good womanly thinking, but me and God got out of there. As I always tell Bo, there is a lesson in everything and I was thinking about what my lesson was. First, NEVER travel wet dirt roads. ;) Secondly, do you ever just feel "stuck" in life? We try to go forward, but we slide backwards until we almost end up in a ditch. We cry out to God and he is always there to give us direction. It may not be an immediate answer and it may take some "traction" (heavy praying). It may take some backing up and putting our lives into a different gear, but he always hears us and he loves us no matter how many times we fail him. If we pray and stay focused (even calling friends panicked), you will eventually get going and out if the mud of life. That is until the next storm comes through and dampens us again. I fail God daily, but he loves me no matter what. Be blessed today!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:19:46 +0000

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