I am deeply grateful today for an infinity of gifts showered on me - TopicsExpress


I am deeply grateful today for an infinity of gifts showered on me by The Universe. Everything is perfect today, even if I dont quite get it right now. I am the perfect me, in the perfect time, at the perfect place, thinking, feeling, doing the perfect thing, for the perfect purpose, to serve perfect people in a perfect world. One of the most perfect things about me is my burning desire to continually grow, shift, transform, and contribute to evolving perfection. My desire to improve on perfection is perfect. I am grateful for my amazing musical partner, Joah Greengus. Last night, I was honored to participate in an event of shocking and wonderful creativity. We have been writing music steadily, including some super fun modal jam improvisational music. But last night, we wrote our first song together -- at least in the sense that we each contributed about half the ideas, and were both willing to flow with the birth of the Miracle into whatever It wanted to become. Thank you, Universe, for my wonderful twin brother, Joah . Its exactly what I asked for. What If? (C) 2012, by Patrick Dieter (all rights reserved) What if you were the hundredth monkey What if you were the tipping point What if you were the telling difference What if you hold the magic coin? If it was you – if it was now If you just trust yourself somehow That the world we know would live or die Just because of where you shine your eye The thoughts you hold within your mind Create the fate of humankind If you’d admit to your true power You’d shift the world within the hour What if all we need is the song you sing What if all it takes is the love you bring What if every thing you think and say Is the way the world turns out today?
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:47:58 +0000

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