I am encouraged by the impact we are all having on public - TopicsExpress


I am encouraged by the impact we are all having on public perceptions of islam. As more people wake up to the danger islam poses to our civilization, I am getting more and more emails and phone calls from people all over Australia in support of our work....many of them asking how they can get involved and help. I can offer them plenty of options these days, thanks to the many brilliant ideas that you have all come up with. We are having an effect, and our enemies hate it. Yesterday I put up a list of people I had blocked. That page has been taken down now, as it achieved its purpose. I have received emails and messages threatening me with various actions, including violence and legal action. Funny when you consider they were all using an online alias. Id like to see them take me to court with that! :) And they just proved that I was right to block them in the first place. There is no place in our fight for personal vilification or abuse. If you dont agree with something someone says, discuss your differences politely and intelligently. If you cant do that you dont deserve to associate with us. At the same time I was able to find out that a few people were on that list that shouldnt have been, and I have taken their names off my blocked list. I have written to some of them to apologise. Others, I dont know how to contact, but you can be assured I am sorry if I caused you any problems. That was certainly not my intention. The point of the exercise was to alert everyone to the names of those who oppose us. We need to share this information so that we can block the haters and appeasers and keep them out of our discussions. From the feedback I have had, many of you have also had problems with the same people. Perhaps I could have helped inform you all a little differently, but it would have been a long and arduous job. As it was, everyone saw the list, drew their own conclusions, and acted accordingly. Some of those on the blocked list have been posting attacks on me and our work I figured they deserved to feel our wrath. I will not sit back and take these attacks. I am fighting back. If they dont like it....TOO BAD!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:13:31 +0000

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