I am exceedingly angry about this outrageous miscarriage of - TopicsExpress


I am exceedingly angry about this outrageous miscarriage of justice. It is a travesty. My prayers are with Trayvon Martin’s family, his friends and his supporters. I also pray for peace and calm and I pray for the future of America. Although I recognize that God will deal with Trayvon Martin’s murderer George Zimmerman in His own way in accordance with His own time frame, I had truly hoped that the divine repercussions due Zimmerman would have come sooner rather than later for it in not the will of God that this situation this hate crime would have ever occurred at all. As Trayvon Martin’s wrongly spilled blood cries for justice from the grave, Lord I pray that Your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven. Lord God Almighty Father, please grant justice and closure in this matter by way of the American Civil Court System and let not revenge take place on the streets of America for we need no more spilled blood as that will not bring Trayvon Martin back to life. Abba, abate our seething anger, cleanse us, fill us with the Holy Spirit of Your righteousness, and heal our broken hearts for we are all the beloved children of the same God (that is You), and all of our lives are of equal value to You. Lift us up Father, let our backs not be bowed under the tyranny of hate, mistrust and injustice. Keep us anchored, Father. Bless us with Your wisdom and help us to forgive and grow stronger. Refocus our hearts and minds on You that we glorify You by the way that we live and react to the storms in our lives so that we do not cause You any despair. In the name of Jesus Yeshua, we pray these things and we receive all of your blessings. Thank you Father and bless you Father. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:53:26 +0000

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