I am feeling a bit accomplished about a lot of things in my life - TopicsExpress


I am feeling a bit accomplished about a lot of things in my life so far. I might not be the best at everything, but I do my best and try. Homeschooling has been a tricky new experience- lots of good and then the occasional, what the hell have I done, moments can occur. I started this venture back in July and I finally feel I got a handle on it in November. Im enjoying this stage if its a stage anyway! What helps? First a support system. If you dont have others to talk to who are rowing down these same white water rapids then into smooth calm waters then you will head down the waterfall. It is difficult to try and have a life and homeschool as well. Yes, we can get our school work done in 4 hours, but then there are the much needed play days with other homeschoolers, swim practices, field trips, tutoring,etc. This makes schooling difficult some days, but we do it and its working. Second- EXERCISE! I have to get my time in before everyone wakes up- thats when I hit the pavement for a run. I have to ride my horse as the whole household knows I will become a witch monster if I dont get my horse therapy sessions. My horse is older and competing isnt the factor- its just enjoying the ride and her awesomeness. THIRD- YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE in what you are doing. I just switched my childrens Math curriculum because I do not believe in Common Core. My children were confused as HELL with this Common Core Math, which I thought wasnt Common Core and I made a mistake when I purchased it. If an educated parent is also confused then how can you help a child understand it. I have never believed in tears for learning and if that happens- time for a different approach. Maybe, its age or maybe I just dont care what others say or think about me. I homeschool because I got tired of negative people telling me my daughter wasnt or couldnt. They had no solutions and refused to listen to genetics, doctors and yes a parent. Yes, I am human and get down or have negative feelings at times, but I wouldnt have accomplished some of the things I have done if I believed in the word, CANT. Lastly, this experience has made us more connected. I am experiencing relationships with my children I never thought existed except in the make believe worlds of TV or books. I really know their strengths and weaknesses. I see success and much like training horses- expect a little at a time and constant cheering of them for trying. They get it and then run with it when they do. My children have confidence today. They have regained it and that means more to me than anything. Everything that lives learns differently- nothing is the same, so it is great to teach them using multiple techniques instead of one standard way. I am so happy and grateful that I can do this. I might have had to back off of some things I planned on doing for right now, but Im patient and wont give up- just pushing it back in the corner right now. My children are learning valuable life lessons from all this though and so what can you say to that except, HELL YEAH, I ROCK AS A PARENT!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:38:29 +0000

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