I am for PEGIDA. ( Patriotic Europeans Against Islamification of - TopicsExpress


I am for PEGIDA. ( Patriotic Europeans Against Islamification of the Occident)The recent rise of the anti-Islamic protesters in Germany have been labeled as Neo-Nazis and skin heads by the government media, all the bleeding heart liberals over there, and also in this country.I call bullshit! These people are doing what we should be doing here.They dont care if their faint of heart prime minister calls them names, they are standing up for their families and homeland that just like the USA, is under government sanctioned invasion. Besides reasons surrounding the muslim terrorist attacks in Paris last week,Obama heads off to his global security conference next month.There are two words in the press release about it that should alarm us. First, the word global. That word is ever-popular with leftist elites who drool over the evil of Agenda 21, and resulting NWO. The concept, so holy to them, destroys all that the word sovereign a founding principal of America, means. Second, extremism. Another one of the Obama Reichs way of never having to specifically identify the actions of their muslim brothers-in-arms against the West. (example: The POTUS refuses to call the jihad attack at Ft Hood, perpetrated by a muslim operative, anything other than workplace violence) It is Islamic terrorism. Period. Its jihad, as called for in the Koran.You will never hear that from the Left House. Never. Instead, we are told, we must respect Islam. I call bullshit again! How much do they respect us? This subversive president is cleverly setting the stage for persecution of anyone who disagrees with him or any of his policies.We could all become labeled as extremists and thus targeted by this administration, its collaborators in Congress, the media, and the liberal brain-washed court of public opinion if we dare to do oppose. Hats off to the defenders of freedom in the GDU. Get some! You are not Neo-Nazis. That was another time, led by a lunatic uber leftist, followed by the masses of ignorant Kool-Aid drinkers..(Sound familiar?)
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:46:14 +0000

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