I am getting a little tired of the bullshit legislation these - TopicsExpress


I am getting a little tired of the bullshit legislation these distributor and big brewery manufacturer trade groups keep pushing these representatives to get behind. There is no validity in their positions due to the minute size of the small brewing industry here in Florida and they fight with their deep pockets, not virtue, ethics, or any sort of valid reasoning. Competition is one thing, but they know craft consumers see through their games of deception with their crafty brews, innovations, and gimmicks. They cant stand it, yet they refuse to change their business models to compete with us fairly because they simply only know what they have been doing for years on end and probably forget what it is to compete for business without paying someone off. These trade groups and the legislators that support them should see some repercussion for trying to squash jobs, damage the economy (no matter how small our contribution is..), and trying to keep consumers from having a choice. Its laughable how the government chooses to focus on matters like this when there is so much to be done to help Florida is so many other ways. Short of a lynch mob, I am kind of at a loss for what to do. Bureaucracy is crap, boycotts dont work, and voting your conscience? Yeah right, does that conscience come with a large cash contribution? Probably not, so theyre still going to corrupt, and push these representatives to further their agenda and nothing changes.. Ha! Love the timing too.. Right during TBBW, coincidence? Probably not..
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:28:37 +0000

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