I am glad to report that WCCC approved the payment of $10,000 to - TopicsExpress


I am glad to report that WCCC approved the payment of $10,000 to the Waller County Fair Association, despite a request from Ben Tibbs and the Waller County Democratic Party that the funds be withheld because my campaign signs are displayed on the WCFA grounds. As was explained by WCFA President Clint Sciba and myself during public comments, having been a longtime supporter of the Fair and having spent thousands of dollars at the Fair auction, I approached the Fair months ago and agreed to be a sponsor of the Fair for $1,250. And the Fair agreed that my campaign, like every other sponsor, could have my signs placed in specific locations on the grounds. This opportunity has always been open to all candidates, businesses, and individuals. The Fair relies on hundreds of thousands of dollars of sponsorships in order to put on the Fair and provide over $250,000 in scholarships every year. Mr Tibbs accused me specifically of not being open and transparent in my sponsorship. Excuse me? Im not aware of a requirement that I make my campaign strategy available to the general public, and Im sorry that they did not think of it first.... But I will not apologize for that, nor should I. The manner in which this is being done is completely legal, and the Assistant District Attorney stated as much. Campaign signs during elections years have been commonplace at the Fairgrounds during election years for over 30+ years... I also stated in public comments that I believed it was shameful to threaten the funding of the WCFA and question the legality of my sponsorship while turning a blind eye to hundreds of campaign signs illegally placed in highway right-of-way, or turning a blind eye to a candidate that has missed three (3) deadlines for filing campaign finance reports this year alone - all clear and outright violations of the law. I closed my comments by making the following offer, which remains open: I will double my commitment to the Fair to $2,500 and if Mr Tibbs, the Waller County Democratic Party, or Ms Cedillo will match that donation, I will PERSONALLY go out to the Fairgrounds and move my signs over so her signs can be placed next to mine. That way there will be $5,000 more in scholarships available for the youth of Waller County. Isnt that a much better result than asking for funding to the WCFA to be withheld in the middle of the Fair?? Folks - signs are good but they dont win or lose elections. Character and ethics and integrity do... Even though I was the only candidate that had the forethought to be a sponsor of one of the biggest County events of the year, I dont mind sharing space if it ultimately benefits the children here. I hope and pray that the Democratic Party does not allow this to go beyond what they attempted to do today. When I attended the Monaville Volunteee Fire Dept (another 501(c)(3)) golf tournament several weeks ago and saw a Sylvia Cedillo for Waller County Judge on one of the holes (she was a hole sponsor) - did I complain? No. I sponsored my own hole. It all benefitted the Fire Dept Thousands of dollars get spent every election cycle by candidates at 501(c)(3) events to get name recognition. That money benefits the community. The candidates get their name out there. This is no different. Rather than threaten the 501(c)(3), just donate your funds and get recognition. I have no issue with that... As many of you know by now, I keep it real. Ive held my tongue many times during this campaign. But if you want me to respond, just threaten the WCFA funding because youre upset that you didnt think of something first.... I am committed to open and transparent government and that will not change. Dont fault me for running a smart and sharp campaign.... Because I will continue to do so. Im going to take a break now and let my blood pressure come back down a bit.... :). Thank you all for your continued support! Love all of you. You are the reason I fight.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:35:48 +0000

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