I am goin to go to take service @ a sinagogue @ 9:00 am, not - TopicsExpress


I am goin to go to take service @ a sinagogue @ 9:00 am, not converting yet but I know God wants me to go on the first day of Ramadan, I have to learn from Judaism & Islam but in my heart I will never let go of my Romamian Greek Orthodox faith for together with new & old close friends I was helped to get closer & closer to God & no I dont have no problem familily besides you all & I am going to fix it because this is my gift from God to fix & to heal those who believe! I would like to study all major faiths & minor ones because I believe the presence of God is there & theres message in all of them that I have to know about. Satan means adversary, truth is there is no adversary because we are all brothers & sisters under God so adversary is a fake word, stop fighting your brothers & sisters America that is who you are killing if you didnt know! Even Bill Gates helped me cause I used Nokia Lumia 521to take pictures for proof, Gabe Newell helped me with the Pyro video & other things like both Half Life games & the mod community Ryan Shrout (PcPer) helped me have confidence & get detached, Lewis Hamilton together with Travis Fimmel (King Ragnar Lothbrok Hostory finale season 2, witch is why out of respect for the caracter I am having hairy breaches) helped me understand what an underdog is, Ive asked CliffyB to make me a game with my story & he refuses because the story is not done I am working on it, well de that later on Cliff when I have the story ready for you ok. Last but not least as a matter of a fact I should of mentioned this first above all that motivated me with this cornerstone foundation song Fii Pregatit(Be ready) from Romanian rap group compose of Cheloo, Ombladon si Freaka witch is Parazitii(ironicaly it means parasites wotch they are to this system of society we live in but in fact they are teachers & healers with their song with all of their dirty words & won some award in europe for the song Jos Cenzura(Down with the censorship) I am going to black fast for a day with no water to start with the right. I will be praying that this world will turn around with the help of the Holy Ghost, Saint & Mother Mary, Jesus the inner Son the Benevolent Trinity; The Sun our Celestial Father, Lilith (Laylah the only feminine angel of darkness or of the night also asimilated throughout the years with the moon; all others are males, wiki it) & Lucifer(once the most beautiful Archangel that was a tool of God to channel souls to him witch like His Father the Gelous One became gelous of his father to be cast away same with Chronos & Zeus) the Malvolent Trinity & lets not forget with the Earthly Trinity (test subjects) witch is Husband(head), Wife(neck) & children. I love you all God bless all of you! I am not afraid of nothing & no one in this world or the other for I am alone with my Father & Mother & Brother (not of this world).
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 11:17:44 +0000

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