I am going to be out of the area Friday, but I wanted to address - TopicsExpress


I am going to be out of the area Friday, but I wanted to address numerous questions and statements made to me by numerous individuals in an FYI Friday. So here it is early! Answers to frequently asked questions and debunking of false or misleading information: No, the City of Bristow did not fix the hole in their fence. I could go into a long, lengthy legalese answer, but the short answer is that just because their city council does something neither makes it legal or binding. I know this might come as a shock to many, but the City of Bristow can no longer work under this presumption, as its been accustomed to. The Town of Slicks annexation still remains, that is until the courts rule Oklahomas Annexation Law Unconstitutional. A result we desire to see to completion. Bristows fence fix has to wait in a legal line. It will only be heard once all efforts have been exhausted in the initial legal challenge, and then only if the courts validate Bristows initial annexation, which in turn validates Slicks. If, and only if that happens, I predict the City of Bristow will have yet another legal battle on their hands. I fully expect the City of Bristow to test their boundaries in the narrow sandbox Slick left them to play in. Again, they will have underestimated their opposition, while overestimating themselves. The issue of water is not being legally challenged in court. What is being challenged is the actual annexation, how it was accomplished, and its unconstitutionality. Remember, just because the City or the State believes it to be legal, does not mean the Constitution of the United States of America will view it in the same light. This is why our founding fathers installed a checks and balances system form of government. They were some pretty cool and smart guys, check them out sometime if you havent already. Which leads me to my final topic: The City of Bristow. Its almost become comical how their leaders have gotten away with not really doing things correctly for so long, as its apparent no one has dared to hold them accountable for any extended length of time. They arent comfortable playing by the rules. I urge the actual residents of Bristow to educate themselves on the rules, and hold their city leaders accountable to the people they represent. Bristow is savable, but not with its current leadership and the great deal of apathy and disinterest currently residing in its population. There is a massive difference in saying you care, and doing things to show you care. When I show up at a council meeting where they were to swear in a new councilman, and only two Bristow residents show up, I dont see the love and caring so many proclaim to have for Bristow. If you truly care, get involved and be there. The same goes for any other community or area you live in. You cannot demand and expect change if you are not willing to put in some effort. God Bless, Clayton
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:38:40 +0000

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