I am going to do something that is so against my belief in - TopicsExpress


I am going to do something that is so against my belief in purchasing items. I am going to use a credit card. Yes, I know everyone does but not me I always paid by cash or check. I had to have dental work done and it cost almost $3,000 and had to get a new stove so had to put them on cards. After I paid them off and I did it as quickly as I could I cut the cards up. Well, now I have 2 chairs in my parlor that look like Goodwill items, in fact I will be embarrased to put them out. I must get new chairs and if I wait till I have the money/cash this will never happen. So, I have decided that before I die I want to have two nice chairs in my parlor so I will be ordering them with the help of my daughter said chairs. I tried to do this on line myself yesterday but got a person who spoke with an Indian dialect and asked me 3 times to spell my last name. Its Cutts really how hard is that to spell. I had a week of trying to get a new password on aol with people having this accent and got so mad I was actually drained by the 3rd day when the guy tried for 45mins to do this hence the new e-mail account. Anyways, I was nasty and asked to speak to someone who spoke English. Paul got on the line and asked what I wanted. I told him it was called Imperial blah blah blah. He said can you spell Imperian, I said are you shitting me, I have had it with phone help, hung up. So tonight I will have a real person do it and not have to get mad. Once this bill is paid again the card will be cut up. I hate to use credit but must , cant live with these scuzzy chairs any longer. I work hard and want to have something to show for it, so do it I will much to the shock of all those that know me.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:13:08 +0000

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