I am going to do this because I felt like it, and I havent ever - TopicsExpress


I am going to do this because I felt like it, and I havent ever seen anyone do this before. I am going to go down my friends list and write a nice thing about everyone. 1 sentence each. people who I didnt write about were fan pages or never use Facebook haha. 1. Zeina Sixx Cano - randomly met you through AC and you are awesome :) 2. Kevin Knopp - best friend since birth and coolest guy I know. 3. Daniel Tabrizi - I feel like we would be good friends if we hung out more. Great guy with a big heart 4. Avery Price - like, my female ghandi of advice. I seriously love you dude. Great friend. 5. L Daniel LaBrune III - this guy gave me hope that not eveyone at gamestop sucks, turned into one of my great buds. love ya man :) 6. Chris Vince - I dont remember where we met, but you da homie and an awesome always there for me buddy. 7. Zamiro Bennem - sickest artist ever. period. and a great friend to boot! 8. Ashlee Jaquette - we dated for one period of highschool haha but still one of the coolest girl friends I have. 9. Mark Thomas - We havent hung out since 5th grade but you and I are in the same field of work, and congrats on your apartment and success :) 10. Linus Merwin - basically just beats me in pokemon all the time. haha great buddy. 11. Robert Rodriguez - dude we need to hang more! we would be such good buddies haha 12. Marlén Hinojosa Chávez - you are hilarious and fun to hang with you and robert. hopefully we can do that frank and sons trip soon. 13. Hakai Okami- another AC buddy, this guy always has my back and is a great friend. we never met in real like but damn man, you rock. 14. Mychau Le - I nag you a lot about naughty dog stuff (sorry lol) but you are an awesome friend :) 15. Maya Rodriguez - she makes me plushies :) 16. Michael Wright - you make hilarious comments in group. I try to contain my laughter :P haha 17. Andy Wright - You are the nicest guy man, great friend and always working hard! take a break after reading this lol 18. Dan Hendrix - my uncle basically, not the ancient greek kind haha. love you dan you rock. 19. Mike Stancic - we hung out a lot before you moved. wish I listened to your advice on melina more, could have saved me a crap ton of money and wasted time. love you bro. 20. Marina Memarovic - Честитамо на веридбе. Волим те 21. Mark Jason Villamayor - you are awesome and have a kick ass gaming rig. 22. Seth Bowser - my youth pastor / advisor/ MTG buddy / mario kart buddy 23. Samuel Timothy - havent hung out since 8th grade haha but you introduced me to eisley and changed my life. so yay haha 24. Aaron Ayala - love this guy. always checking in on me and all around great friend. I seriously treasure your friendship. 25. David Russell Graham - we still need to hang out and play mario kart 8 lol 26. Bridget Bae - I sold you a macbook 5 years ago? or 4? but we never hung out haha still, glad you like the macbook. 27. James Dauer - My last memory of you I believe was you showing me your chewed food one time haha 28. Veronica Castillo - Great friend. you always realize the insanity that goes on in my life and agree im not crazy. so thank you haha. 29. Stevan Stancic - I doubt you go on facebook but I miss you man. 30. Ling Ho - I have heard about you via mariana but never hung out. we missed the opportunity at AX since I was on the worst date of my life. Ill fill you in on that sometime haha. 31. Matthew Willets - we met through a terrible person, but dude. you rock. I miss you being in LA! you were this awesome, laid back, bro I could talk to for hours. 32. Sammy Velvet - my crowley dad still haha. thanks for all your mentorship and help throughout these last 4 years ive known you. more to come! 33. Rich Esmiol - awesome guy. Always inspiring me to do my best. love you brother! 34. Imar Arshad- I realize I never replied to the last message you sent me haha. yes we gotta hang and play mario kart man! 35. Tim Metz - you made E3 way less lame the day I got deserted by my friends haha. Keep being awesome. 36. Miles Taylor Darcey - good luck on finding a car! I think we hung out last at kevins birthday party? haha 37. Andrea Dandino - Thats awesome! best shirt ever. 38. Alex Dandino - an equally tall, awesome, hilarious buddy :). does the best werewolf commentary. 39. Jonathan Davila - we need to hang! I get periodic updated through mariana at IHOP at 12 AM haha. 40. Joel Rojas - allergic to my cat exclusively, awesome guy :) 41. Sam Chuck Casillas - we lost touch over the years, I am a terrible texter haha so sorry about that. good luck with everything man :) hope school goes well! 41. Christopher Ravadilla - you introduced me to runescape. 1000s of cows were murdered for hide xD haha 42. Kenny Daniels- fellow gamer and E3 lover :) 43. John Babich - we need to hang out again, you dont love me anymore :( haha 44. Rosemary Hendrix - my mom told me a story about you the other day :) miss you! 45. Samuel Aluyon - such a good guy! always friendly and has a magnetic personality :) 46. Nic Cowan - we hung out and I never knew you were in surf ninjas haha still think thats awesome. you rock man :D 47. Mher Mikaelyan - hands down funniest status updates haha. 48. Mark Carrasco - makes the best cobbler and a great guy in general 49. Rex Cheung- beer pong buddy. I think we beat the other team? I was drunk slightly, but yea, thats how the story will go. woo! 50. Frank De Jesus - just hearing from my mom about everything you went through and turning into the man you are today was so inspiring. keep going Frank, you are awesome. 51. Russ Strickland- you cook a pretty bad ass meal vavoom. blew me away this year! 52. Katya Zoé Bowser - I can quote any spongebob line and she can catch it and say the whole line. awesome friend :) 53. Bill Gallimore - The coolest ASL teacher around. your class was the best! and still is. 54. Катарина Мемаровић - DOBRO :D jajaja кикирики! 55. Steve Wu - miss you being around! love your work, keep it up! 56. Kevin Costales - I miss you man. Though your life was cut short, the memories you left behind are priceless. I watched hamlet 2, and you were right, it was awful xD. 57. Evan Peter - where have you been man? come back around sometime haha. old smithy :) 58. Louis E. Lopez - ill probably see you next thursday at the meeting, nick is officially an asshole and will no longer be my friend by the way haha. 59. Ken Dickason - you blow me away with your living history book brain xD. you have made the bible so much more interesting when you bring in things I didnt realize were going on, and you have the beard of zeus, no.. yours is nicer. 60. Alissa Vitale - we havent hung out in forever. hope you are okay. 61. Cassy Athena - sister / roommate? that says enough haha she is awesome :) 62. Milton Giovanni Arcos- we have our differences, but I thank you for being hard on me since its made me a better worker. I can fix any problem with google now thanks to you haha. 63. Jason Lohr - I wanna debate with you again. loved your class. you are an awesome teacher 64. Carmine Santoro - you make me crack up haha. 65. Hossing Cc - crowley brother! 66. Daniel Patterson - we havent talked in a while, but hope all is good :) 67. Josh Azalbarian - I would say good luck with the rap career, but you dont need luck since you got God behind you every step of the way! 68. Eugene Engram - dude you rock! big guys gotta stick together haha. 69. Dylan Stump - the coolest kid I knew growing up. we were always friends and loved pokemon. you are awesome man keep it up :) 70. Terry Wynne - Love you Terry, you tell the best stories and always make me laugh. plus, you cook a kick ass cajun style dinner. 71. Mason Morgan - I sent your last picture old woman meme status to like 10 friends. that was classic haha. 72. Marko Memarovic - Cant wait to see you soon! Thanks for speaking to me in english in serbia when I didnt understand anyone haha you made my stay so much nicer :) 73. Katarina Diskretni Heroj Memarovic - why do you have 2 facebooks? lol 74. Cecelia Moncure - my great aunt. and the best story teller a family could have. 74. Vance Philips- you ditched me tonight :( haha
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 08:32:42 +0000

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