I am going to express my view on World Events when I usually keep - TopicsExpress


I am going to express my view on World Events when I usually keep my views to myself.....Delete me if you choose: 1) Every sitting President has taken what they term "Good Will" tours to other countries. These tours are costly to the taxpayers; but it seems when we have a Republican President, the American People turn the other cheek and say the excesses are needed, or just tolerate; but when we have a Democrat as President, he is blowing the taxpayers money. 2) No one Person, whether he is President, or who he happens to be, can strip us, the American People, of any Right without the help of BOTH the House of Representatives and the Senate. 3)Anyone who is unhappy with the way our Government is being run needs to exercise their right to VOTE. When exercising that Right, we each need to be educated and informed of the Issues and how the Candidate stands on the things that matter to US. 4) Every Politician in Washington needs to be given their walking papers......The problems in our Government cannot be laid on the shoulders of any one individual....it is the fault of all. Politicians have developed the mentality that they represent their Party, not the American Taxpayers. We, the Taxpayers, pay their salaries -- for life -- once they are elected to office, even if they only serve one term........a salary far higher than the average person makes in a year. As if that were not enough, we provide them with the best medical benefits that money can buy.....far better than we, the Taxpayers, can provide for ourselves. ENTITLEMENTS? Our Elected Representatives receive more Entitlements than we pay to all of the People on Welfare, Food Stamps, Medicaid, and Public Housing lumped together. 5) We, the American People, should insist on term limits on every elected official and get rid of the Lifers in our Government. We set Term Limits on our President for a reason. Every elected official should have Term Limits. 6) Social Security is NOT an Entitlement. Those of us on Social Security have worked many years for the right to draw Social Security.....When it becomes an Entitlement is when it is freely given to people who have never paid a dime into Social Security. Politicians have been stripping Social Security for many years to give benefits to People who are not entitled to the benefit. Yes, I get angry, just like every one else when I see the waste in Government. I get sick of supporting the LIFERS in Washington at the expense of every taxpayer.....But these LIFERS, who represent their Political Party rather than the Taxpayers who pay their Salaries, are the very ones breaking the Back of the American People.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 12:57:52 +0000

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