I am going to go over the top ten most dangerous mistakes men make - TopicsExpress


I am going to go over the top ten most dangerous mistakes men make and how to avoid them. 1. Being too nice and showing too much interest: When a man meets a woman he is very interested in, he tends to become over-accommodating and starts acting extra nice. He do things like, laugh at things that aren’t too funny. He agrees with everything she says. Offer to help her in any way that he can and he will generally display to her that he is willing to do whatever she asks of him in exchange for her to like him. A woman doesn’t feel attracted to a man who presents himself to her as a subservient servant. Once a woman knows that you are willing to do anything to be with her, all the challenge is gone and she immediately loses all interest and attraction for that man. She will simply look for ways of taking advantage of you .You want to show her that you have personal power and don’t need to suck up to her in order to get her love and approval. Keep your power because a woman wants to date a powerful man, not a subservient wimp. 2 Not Taking The Lead In An Interaction: Most men try to get the woman to lead the interaction and conversation; this is a huge mistake and makes women lose attraction immediately. Asking a woman a string of questions just to get her talking is not the way to gain rapport with her and make her like you. When you put all the pressure on a woman to lead the interaction and do all the talking she will get annoyed and leave. Take the lead in your conversations with women. Be funny in a real way,make her enjoy talking with you,have a good sense of humour and be bold with it. Lead the conversation where you want it to go. 3. Thinking Of What To Say Next When talking to an attractive woman; men are usually up in their heads thinking about what they’re going to say next. When you are up in your head instead of in the present moment really listening to her then she is not going to feel much connection with you. She is going to see that you look distracted; she will think you aren’t really listening to her and don’t care about what she has to say. When you are thinking about what you are going to say next you lose the intimate connection that is necessary to develop with a woman in order for her to feel attracted to you. Instead of thinking about what to say next, be in the moment, get present in your body and really listen to her. Once you start listening to her, you will connect with her because you are being in the moment; and when you are in the moment the woman can feel a true connection with you. 4. Trying To Impress Women: A lot of men think they have to impress a woman into liking them; this is wrong. Sitting there talking about yourself and how great you are does very little to stimulate interest or attraction in a woman. When a woman sees that you are obsessed with yourself and always talking about your possessions and accomplishments, she’s going to think you are a selfish self centred man. Leave her to find out the best in you, stop being full of yourself,let her keep guessing your worth. What a woman wants is a man who cares about her and wants to connect with her and learn about her hopes and dreams. Forget about impressing a woman and instead focus on connecting with her. Get curious about her, her life, her dreams, passions, struggles; once you do this the woman will feel very connected and safe with you. Once she feels connected and safe then her next emotion is usually attraction. 5. Telling Her You Like Her Too Soon: A lot of times you meet a woman that you really like and you will have this powerful urge to express to her how crazy you are about her; don’t do this! Many men make the mistake of expressing their interest to a woman too soon and then the woman is turned off and runs away. You need to always keep a woman suspended between hope and doubt; a woman wants a challenge. A woman believes that you are lying to her when you are too quick to say you like her,she would feel that its a normal slang used by all guys. Take time to know if she is really the one. Don’t be too quick to think you have found the girl of your dreams. The minute a woman sense you are all over her, she may take you for granted ,she loses interest in you. You need to show her a little interest and then balance that interest with displays of disinterest; this will always keep her guessing about you and keep you a challenge in her eyes 6. Talking About Negative Things: When you meet a woman, never talk about anything negative. Most men tend to talk about a lot of negative things when they first meet a woman; he talks about his ex girlfriend, his break up, how he is struggling at work, how crappy the weather is etc. Women hate this; they just want someone who will make them feel happy. So always make sure you only talk about positive fun things when you are with a woman. Take her on an adventure and allow her to forget about her mundane troublesome life. She wants a man who will add excitement and joy to her life, not bring her down into the dumps. 7. Having Weak Body Language: When you are talking to a beautiful woman don’t fidget or move around too much. A woman is attracted to a man who is confident and comfortable in his own skin. If you are nervous, fidgeting, looking around a lot, speaking too quickly and not keeping strong eye contact ,then the woman is going to sense that you are weak and her attraction will die. Be calm and strong in the presence of a woman. Make your movements slow and relaxed, keep strong eye contact, speak slowly, breath slowly, be as relaxed as possible. An alpha male is always relaxed and in control of himself and the situation; that’s what women are attracted to. 8. Not Dressing Properly Or Being Well Groomed If you want a beautiful woman in your life you have to present yourself in an attractive fashion. A lot of men have a very unattractive style. Make sure you don’t wear runners with jeans. Wear black socks with pants and white socks with shorts. Make sure your clothes fit your body and look good on you. Always shower and smell good. Make sure all your body hairs are trimmed including nose and ear hair if you have them. A woman judges you by your style, how you are groomed and how well you take care of your body. A woman wants a healthy, clean, stylish man; not a slob. The way you take care of yourself tells her a lot about how well you will take care of her. 9. Take your time. Don’t be pushy or needy: Nice girls normally need longer time than boys to develop deep feelings. Continue courting her by following the steps above, but don’t rush things. If you end up in a relationship with this girl, she’ll always remember how you made her feel when you were just getting to know each other. Make her feel appreciated, not invisible or smothered. Do the chase slowly and gently (but steadily) to reduce fear of s*xual advances (if any), avoid looking desperate, and to allow her to get accustomed to a new man in her life. Do not force the relationship; carefully look for clues on where and when you can see her again. 10. Stop calling her every time: Some guys believe they have to call a girl every minute to know how she is fearing ,they put a call through in the morning, afternoon, evening, night ,even at mid-night. No!!!, Girls get easily irritated by this, they want you to give them space,not a sense of desperation. Learn to do things you can continue in the proper relationship.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 07:48:57 +0000

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