I am going to offer a teaser that should have been for - TopicsExpress


I am going to offer a teaser that should have been for #teasertuesday, but I apologize for my tardiness. I was tagged by Devika Fernando to include a snippet from a work in progress. This excerpt is from Upon Your Love, which will be the third and final book of the #HeiressesinLove Series. Readers asked for the story of Faras parents. Here is a glance: The din of angry male voices came in the hallway outside her door, and she frowned. Perhaps that was simply ship life, though. She imagined the stress of labor would wear down on a man over time. Always a curious sort, she moved to the door and pressed her ear to it. “You will allow me to pass,” a gruff voice rang out. “I will not. That lady is to be protected, and I simply won’t have you barging in on her. She needs her privacy.” “I will see her one way or another,” he said. “That is my fiancé in there, and I am not walking away from her.” She gasped, her hands lifting briefly to her mouth. Her mind scrambling at the words that just came out of the man’s mouth, she couldn’t prevent her grasp on the knob as she turned it slowly. When the door was open, her breath caught to see Captain Bellerose blocking a man with dark hair. His locks fell in fine waves about his head, and one strand even fell into his eye, making him look mysterious. His chocolate brown gaze shifted over and when their eyes met and held, she couldn’t look away. Andre always had this effect on her, commanding her attention no matter what he did. “Annabelle,” he rasped. Eventually, she found her voice. “Capitaine, you may release him. I know this man.” The captain turned his head to look at her. “Are you certain? I’m not sure I trust him.” “Indeed. I am certain, and I promise you that I will be safe in his care.” “She speaks the truth. If I wished her harm, I could have found other opportunities before this moment.” Captain Bellerose eased off of Andre at last. He did send him a final warning glance, which the man appeared to respect as it was in his gaze when the captain took his leave. Though her hands were trembling, she clenched them in her skirts. “Might you…wish to come inside?” she asked. He nodded, but his face was grim. She went into her cabin and didn’t bother to escort him in. She was already undone by his presence. She crossed her arms over her chest, aware of her fluttering heart rate as he entered the room. His shoulders were wide, dwarfing her, as he came further inside the space. She swallowed against her uncertainty. “You may sit if you prefer,” she said, briefly gesturing to the bed and the small table nearby. “I know it’s not much.” His gaze moved around the room, touching on the iron candlestick and the prepared cot. “No, it’s…all right. I only came to speak with you.” Annabelle nodded. “About what, if I may ask?” She shook her head. “You don’t have to lie to see me, you know.” “Lie?” “I heard what you told that man. You said ‘fiancé’, but I know you don’t feel that way about me. All you had to do was request to see me and I would have come on deck.” Andres scowl was hard to miss, his dark brows hanging low over his eyes. “Do me a favor, chére, and don’t assume you know how I feel about you.” #amwriting #writing #teaser #historicalromance #Victorian #suspense 
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 09:56:50 +0000

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