I am going to play the number game. Ive been given the number - TopicsExpress


I am going to play the number game. Ive been given the number 12... 1. I was born on July 11, 1977. Most people say I should be one lucky girl... And I have to say I am pretty lucky! 2. My third grade year was a traumatic year... I was hot by a car, my mother was shot in a robbery, and my father fell from a roof and nearly broke his back. 3. Ive been married twice (no judgements please) 4. I was 18 when I found true joy in my life and he has been ever since 5. I met my soulmate when I turned 22 6. I rolled my car down an embankment off the interstate 2 days before my second joy in life arrived giving proof to any doubters angels are with you everyday! Michael not I should be here today... 7. The same year I was accepted into nursing school my mother smacked a telephone pole with her face, my father flipped a truck into somebodys front yard breaking his neck yet surviving and another major incident happened that looking back proves God does not give you more than you can handle and He really does know what Hes doing even if you dont! 8. I am a nurse! That in itself is an amazing feat! I love what I do and I cherish it everyday! I worked very hard to get here! 9. I am married to Prince Charming! He treats me like a real life princess no matter if I act like a wicked witch or not! I told you in the beginning I am a lucky girl! 10. I have ADD. I am the poster child for the disorder! But if I can live with it anyone can! 11. I dont have a huge amount of friends for a reason... I either cant tolerate people or they cant tolerate me... Two sided street & Im ok with it. The friends I do have are there because they truly love me and appreciate me for who I am and not who they need me to be. 12. (Oh I thought if never get here) my life doesnt really have that many secrets or unknown facts... Im pretty much an open book, I have no reason to hide something or pretend it didnt happen... I like to look at each life experience as a learning lesson for either me or somebody that will come into my life needing to hear it...
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 04:12:19 +0000

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